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Europe (all)

This page lists all reports that for Europe including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Europe.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.

Tours (continued)

Via Francigena - prima parte
by Ubaldo Bagnaresi, tour started September 2012, submitted 22 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Prima parte dell'itinerario dal Gran San Bernardo a Roma percorso in bicicletta lungo il il pellegrinaggio del vescovo Sigerico che nel X secolo fece da Canterbury a Roma. Questo itinerario attraversa le testimonianze più significative dell'epoca medioevale.

First part of trip from the Great St. Bernard to Rome by bike, path along the pilgrimage of the bishop Sigerico that in the tenth century made from Canterbury to Rome. This route passes through the most significant example of medieval era.

See all 3 reports by Ubaldo Bagnaresi

Via Verde de Ojos Negros
by EnBici, tour started April 2009, submitted 18 January 2013
Europe: Spain
language: es

Las Vías Verdes de Ojos Negros I y II , con unos 160 km de longitud, unen Santa Eulalia (al Noroeste de Teruel) con la ciudad de Sagunto, y entre las dos forman la Vía Verde mas larga de España.

Atardecer entre Escandon y Teruel

La ruta sigue en su mayor parte el trazado de un antiguo tren minero abierto a principios del siglo XX, y que unía las minas de Ojos Negros con el puerto de Sagunto. Las minas fueron en su momento las principales minas de hierro de España, que ademas contaban con la ventaja de ser a cielo abierto y de fácil explotación. Sin ninguna industria en la zona capaz de explotarlas, se construyo un ferrocarril de vía estrecha que llevara el material a los altos hornos de Sagunto. Esta linea estuvo en funcionamiento hasta 1973, cuando para aumentar la capacidad de transporte, se reconvirtió a vía ancha el tramo desde las minas a Santa Eulalia , donde se unía a la ya existente red de vía ancha de RENFE. Quedo entonces el resto que la linea de vía estrecha entre Santa Eulalia y Sagunto en desuso, y este es mas o menos el tramo que se ha transformado en vía verde, y que durante muchos kilómetros transcurre paralelo a la linea de vía ancha todavía en funcionamiento para transporte de viaj! eros.

See all 5 reports by EnBici

Dall'Argdentario al Conero seconda parte
by Angelo Fedi, tour started August 2012, submitted 15 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Seconda parte dell'itinerario con dati GPS del percorso. Descrizione del diario di viaggio con precisione e professionalità. Tirreno -Adriatico dall'Argentario al Conero 374 km suddivisi in cinque tappe; 4370 mt di dislivello; oltre 37 h in bicicletta. Hanno pedalato questo viaggio condividendone salite e discese, sole e pioggia, gioie e sudore, allegria e amicizia:Angelo, Enzo, Giorgio, Giuseppe, Marino, Pietro, Stefano. a cura della Associazione FIAB-Grossetociclabile. "In bici per l'ambiente"

Second part of the data with GPS location. Description of the travel diary with precision and professionalism. Tirreno-Adriatico Argentario to the Conero 374 km divided into five stages; 4370 meters of elevation gain over 37 h on a bicycle. Rode this trip sharing ups and downs, sun and rain, sweat and joy, happiness and friendship: Angelo, Enzo, George, Joseph Marino, Peter, Stephen. by the Association FIAB-Grossetociclabile. "Cycling for the environment"

See all 2 reports by Angelo Fedi

Dall'Argentario al Conero - prima parte
by Angelo Fedi, tour started August 2012, submitted 9 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Dal Tirreno all'Adriatico, un viaggio in bicicletta che attraversa in orizzontale l'Italia, per congiungere idealmente i due promontori posti geograficamente "all'altezza del cuore" del Paese.

From the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic Sea, a bike trip through horizontally Italy, to join the two promontories ideally placed geographically "at the heart" of Country.

Orbetello, Capalbio, Bolsena, Orvieto, Todi, Massa Martana, Bevagna, Foligno, Plateau Col Fiorito, Serravalle di Chienti, Tolentino, Macerata, Recanati, Loreto, Ancona, Ancona centers of historic, scenic and cultural meet along the way. The Ways Aurelia, Cassia and Flaminia consular roads you ride, of 'Albegna in Tuscany, the Tiber in Rome, Chienti and Power in the Marche region, the valleys of the rivers that follow.

See all 2 reports by Angelo Fedi

by Massimo Armati, tour started August 2012, submitted 6 January 2013
language: it

Terza parte del tour Trieste - Istambul

Da Skopje con arrivo a Istambul
Il pensiero finale è per Asif. Ho ricevuto grande stima da questa persona e affetto da tutta la sua famiglia, senza fare altro che essere superiore ai luoghi comuni e ai pregiudizi di molti. Faleminderit.

Third part of the tour Trieste - Istanbul

Arriving from Skopje to Istanbul
The final thought is for Asif. I received great respect and affection for this person by his whole family, not help but be more than clichés and prejudices of many. Faleminderit.

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

From Geneva to Interlaken on the Alpine Lake Route
by Michel Laliberté, tour started June 2012, submitted 2 January 2013
Europe: Switzerland
language: en, fr

A 3-day, 250-km bike and train ride on the Lake Road in Switzerland, from Geneva to Interlaken

See all 7 reports by Michel Laliberté

The hills of Lavaux, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
A mountain pass safari in the western alps
by Michael Fiebach, tour started May 2012, submitted 30 December 2012
Europe: France, Italy, Germany
language: en, de

This last spring and summer I was lucky enough to explore one of the world's most popular bicycle climbing areas in the world: the western alps. So I took lots of notes,and many pictures of my bike rides over more than 50 passes and summits.

Some of my favorite memories are these crossings: Col et Tunnel de Parpaillon , Col de la Croix de Fere , Col de la Cayolle

But summits do not have to be that high to impress with their beauty: For example the D32 summit in Utelle, or a ride over Col d'Eze or Colle Langan on the glitzy Cote d'Azure.

See all 8 reports by Michael Fiebach

southern approach to Col du Glandon and Col de la Croix de Fere from summit of Glandon
Sarajevo - Skopje
by Massimo Armati, tour started August 2012, submitted 29 December 2012
language: it

Seconda parte del Tour in bicicletta da Trieste a Istambul

Si dice che il mondo sia piccolo, figuriamoci Sarajevo: sto per ripartire quando sulla bici trovo un biglietto degli amici cuneesi: tra i molti alberghi della città abbiamo soggiornato nello stesso, senza avere la fortuna di rivederci.

Second part of the Bike Tour from Trieste to Istanbul

People said that the world is small, let alone Sarajevo: I am starting when on the bike when I find a ticket of my friendsfrom Cuneo: among the many city hotels we have stayed in the same, without having the chance to meet again each other.

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

Laguna veneta spritz tour 2012
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2012, submitted 26 December 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] Quest'anno per una serie di motivi abbiamo optato per un breve tour in patria non privo comunque di interesse come il titolo e la foto introduttiva sono a testimoniare.

Il nostro solito e collaudato periodo è ad inizio giugno, le scuole sono ancora in attività (Alessio saluta il signor direttore), le giornate sono le più lunghe dell'anno, il caldo quello vero è ancora in rodaggio e per i prezzi siamo ancora in fase low cost.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

Spritz  !!!
Il tour delle tre frontiere
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2011, submitted 26 December 2012
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] Ancora Francia, eh sì ci troviamo proprio bene ma quest'anno allarghiamo un po' il giro sconfinando nella vicina Germania per rientrare in Francia per poi nuovamente passare in Germania fino a raggiungere il punto dove si incontrano le tre frontiere di Francia, Germania, Lussemburgo cioè Schengen.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

La rente du bois
Dall' Atlantico al Mediterraneo
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2009, submitted 26 December 2012
Europe: France
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] La buona riuscita del viaggio dello scorso anno ci ha spinti anche quest'anno a pedalare per un po' di giorni in un paese sempre ospitale e ricco di storia, cultura e gastronomia come la Francia.

La Francia dunque : liberté, égalité e vin rosé

L'idea che ha dato vita al viaggio è stata quella di bagnare le ruote delle bici nell'Oceano Atlantico e di bagnarle a fine percorso nell'acqua del Mediterraneo.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

Mediterraneo !!
Francia 2008
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2008, submitted 26 December 2012
Europe: Italy, France
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] Per un paio d'anni, praticamente ogni domenica mattina durante il nostro giro in bici, il ritornello è sempre stato quello e cioè l'idea di un viaggio in bici che durasse qualche giorno e non solo le quattro, cinque ore domenicali.

Le strade di casa nostra ormai percorse in bici decine e decine di volte cominciavano ad avere l'orizzonte della cyclette in camera e dunque la domanda diventava sempre più martellante " Nemo in Francia in bicicreta ??" (Andiamo in Francia in bicicletta ??). Non ci è voluto tanto tempo per organizzare questo "over 50 tour" con lo spirito del cicloturista o ciclo viaggiatore e cioè con il preciso intento che velocità e media oraria non dovessero essere la nostra preoccupazione. Perché in Francia? Perché l'idea è nata per raggiungere la città di mia moglie Valence (Drome) un centinaio di km a sud di Lyon e perché in Francia si mangia bene e perché in Francia c'è del buon vino e perché in Francia i ciclisti sono veramente rispettati.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

I compagni di merende
Skagerrak o Kattegat
by Enzo Pellegrini, tour started June 2012, submitted 15 December 2012
Europe: Denmark
language: it

Racconto di viaggio ed emozioni in Danimarca

"Skagerrak o Kattegat?...Skagerrak o Kattegat?

Sul "ramo" sfoglio le onde, provenienti da mari opposti, che si infrangono una contro l'altra disegnando la fragile lingua di sabbia di Grenen.

Chile 2012 tour
by Iris Mueck, tour started November 2012, submitted 13 December 2012
Europe: Chile

about 410 kilometers only - but please consider the circumstances...; and made a climb up to nearly ~ 4.000 meters

[...] Chile is a rather safe and clean country. People are honest and helpful. Moreover, they have a good public transport system (...this in case ones leg gets soared...). There are a lot of but's...: one is the traffic and the smog. Both is against bicyclists. Roads between major cities are freeways. Service roads ending, than one is supposed to ride on the shoulder of the freeway (which is officially forbidden in Chile - but what to do?!) Constructors simply have forgotten on 'normal' roads.... And, it increases the problem: Chile has no long distance train (only Metro, e.g. Santiago and or Valparaiso - good system - but you cannot take a bicycle to the Metro). The other issue is the smog. You may see the smog cloud, one you approach Santiago by air. But this smog cloud is so heavy, as it penetrates houses (living room, sleeping room...). My mouth is maybe to sensitive, but I felt a permanent bitter taste. Long distance travel in Chile is done via a very good bus system. Rather cheap and reliable. [...]

See all 119 reports by Iris Mueck

This height - my personal record
Trieste - Serajevo
by Massimo Armati, tour started August 2012, submitted 8 December 2012
language: it

Trieste porta dell'est. Oltre questo confine finisce l'occidente e ci si immerge in una mescolanza di culture e religioni che convivono da secoli, non senza problemi, una affianco all'altra. Guerre, invasioni e lotte intestine hanno caratterizzato la storia dei Balcani, territorio la cui bellezza stupisce, così come non lascia indifferenti la disponibilità ed il senso di fratellanza con cui si viene accolti. Percorrere a ritroso le strade attraversate dai turchi cinquecento anni prima, visitare i palazzi della dominazione asburgica a Sarajevo, vedere la recente guerra balcanica negli edifici forati dai proiettili o nelle lapidi tutte vecchie di due decenni. Leggi tutto...

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

Traveling around the world
by Laia i Marc, tour started 2012, submitted 3 December 2012
Europe: Iceland, France, Italy
language: ca
by Terje Melheim, tour started July 2011, submitted 1 December 2012
Europe: Germany
language: de

In Hameln wünschten uns die Freunde eine schöne und interessante Fahrradtour an den vier Flüssen Weser, Werra, Itz und Main.

See all 10 reports by Terje Melheim

by Fernando Da Re, tour started August 2012, submitted 29 November 2012
Europe: Germany
language: it

A Lubecca, alle biciclette vogliono un gran bene. Quei pali zincati sui quali le biciclette vengono legate, diventano strumenti per dimostrare il loro attaccamento.

Rivestiti di cotone e lana lavorata ad uncinetto, traforata o a patchwork, ne fanno un elemento colorato che non crea alcun danno al telaio della bicicletta sui quali viene legata.

In Lübeck, People love bicycles too much. Those galvanized poles on which bicycles are tied, they become tools to demonstrate their attachment. Covered in cotton wool and crochet, patchwork or perforated, make it a colored element that does not create any damage to the bicycle frame on which it is linked.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Iceland Bicycle Tour 2011
by Karlveig & Kur, tour started June 2011, submitted 28 November 2012
Europe: Iceland
language: en, no

A blog by a brother, a sister and her boyfriend (now husband) about their anti-clockwise trip around the ring-road and the West Fjords during the summer of 2011.

One of our bikes located somewhere along the the Húnaflói on our way to Hólmavík.
Cycling from Barcelona to Avignon and back through the Gorges de L'ardeche and Gorges du Tarn
by Ben and Beth Elderd, tour started September 2012, submitted 27 November 2012
Europe: Spain, France

When I begin the planning process for a tour, I usually start by looking at journals on Trento Bike Pages and 'Crazy Guy on a Bike'. If something peaks my interest, I'll check out the Web site for that country and also look at Google maps. As I progress I'll browse through the travel section of our local bookstore.

The great thing about touring is that every day is an adventure and every day offers different challenges. In spite of all the planning you do, what you expect and what you get are two different things.

Cycling through the Catalan region of Spain and the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France far exceeded all our expectations. It was a bike ride that combined beautiful scenery with historical sights. We had challenging cols, rode along the Mediterranean and through spectacular river gorges. Every day was different.

See all 6 reports by Ben and Beth Elderd

The bridge over the Tarn River into the village of St. Chely
Hamburg and vicinity tour - November 2012
by Iris Mueck, tour started November 2012, submitted 23 November 2012
Europe: Germany

I tried to avoid to fall into an early Winter sleep... Tried to keep my tired bones fit. As I have been in an refreshment email contact with a biker couple, living nearby Hamburg, we have quickly made a plan to meet and cycle around. I have been knowing Hamburg from the past, but Hamburg today, is even more bigger, more modern (more expensive...).

What impressed my most, beside the friendly attitude of Hamburgers citizens, was the wide variety of music shops. We had the chance to participate a 'concert' in one of Hamburgs music pubs, the 'Knust', whereas we have seen on stage Ryan Bingham and Valerie in the pre-program... Just wonderful!

See all 119 reports by Iris Mueck

Jork - schönes Altes Land
Isola di Sylt, Husum, Busum
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2012, submitted 22 November 2012
Europe: Germany

In quei 17 km sopra l'isola ho ascoltato i versi della natura di Sylt. Un po' brughiera, un po' erica, un po' vento, un po' uccello, un po' innamorato, un po' poeta, mettevo alla prova i miei sensi.

In those 17 km above the island I heard the verses of the nature of Sylt. A bit heath, a little heather, a little wind, a little bird, a little loveer, a little poet, put to the test my senses.

Mit dem Fahrrad durch den Koog
Es ist fast wie ein Sog
Blumen, Ferlder, der Deich.
Die Sonne lacth mir entegegen
aber auch bei Regen
liebe ich dieses stille Reich.
Gedankenreise, di Waltraud Hansen

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Cefalonia: Sami, Fiskardo, Myrtos
by Fernando Da Re, tour started September 2012, submitted 12 November 2012
Europe: Greece
language: it

A Myrtos, sotto pochi ombrelloni di foglie di palma, milioni di ciottoli bianchi incorniciano la baia. I sassi (qui come altrove) raccontano la storia dell'arte: l'elemento principale della scultura è la bellezza del disegno perfettissimo (Canova). Cosa di più perfetto di questi semplici sassi? Essi contengono il segreto dell'ambiente e del tempo. Come in una scultura dove "la materia diventa ambiente, c'è nella pietra il peso della verità". (M. Noble)

A Myrtos under a few umbrellas made ​​of palm leaves, illions of white pebbles surround the bay. The stones (here as elsewhere) tell the history of art: the main element of the sculpture is the beauty of the most perfect design (Canova). What could be more perfect than these simple stones? They contain the secret of the environment and time. As a sculpture, "where the matter becomes environment, there is a stone weight of truth." (M. Noble)

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

la baia di Myrtos
Provenza, Camargue, Luberon. 500 km. in bicicletta tra castelli, cavalli, fenicotteri e il vento per "amico"
by Beatrice Virga, tour started May 2012, submitted 2 November 2012
Europe: France
language: it

Miraggio tra le gocce: un bel casolare in pietra con persiane azzurre tipiche della provenza. E' l' hotel Carina, provo a fermarmi immaginando la scena dell'albergatore snob che non mi fa nemmeno entrare perché sporco il pavimento (ero da strizzare) invece mi accoglie una ragazza dai modi gentili che mi tratta da regina, mi fa accomodare la bici in un ripostiglio.

See all 8 reports by Beatrice Virga

Jutland (DK) - Quarta parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2012, submitted 30 October 2012
Europe: Denmark
language: it

Tutti vi diranno che Ribe, la città più antica della Danimarca, si visita a piedi. In bici è meglio. Con la bicicletta si può percorrere l'anello esterno. Le abitazioni legate una all'altra dai colori pastello sfilano davanti a voi armoniose nella loro linea antica.

Everyone will tell you that Ribe, the oldest town of Denmark, be visited on foot. With the bike is better. By bicycle you can take the outer ring. The structures linked to each other pastel colors parade in front of you harmonious in their ancient line ...

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Danimarca in bicicletta, Jutland in libertà - terza parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2012, submitted 26 October 2012
Europe: Denmark
language: it

Percorremmo le ondulazioni del villaggio di Ferring, raggiungemmo la costa scoscesa di Bovbierg. All'ombra del faro un gruppo di pittrici, sguardo all'infinito, tentavano di percorrere "il cammino verso l'opera d'arte nella solitudine". Le loro tele si materializzavano, tocco dopo tocco, ma il lento procedere manifestava l'attesa per un evento coloristico, che il cielo, il sole e il mare avrebbero potuto concedere. Trattenevano i colori impastati sulla tavolozza in attesa di riprodurre armonie percepite al momento solo dall'animo.

We walked along the undulations of the village of Ferring, reached the rugged coast of Bovbierg. In the shadow of the lighthouse a group of painters, gaze endlessly, trying to follow "the path to the artwork in solitude." Their webs materialized, touch after touch, but the slow pace manifested waiting for an event of color, the sky, the sun and the sea could have provided. They held the colors mixed on the palette waiting to play harmonies perceived at present only from the soul.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Repubblica Ceca
by Beatrice Virga, tour started August 2012, submitted 18 October 2012
language: it

Pur essendo in una zona ricca e turistica tra boschi e montagne, noto la differenza dall'Austria e la Germania. Incrocio numerose macchine con canoe e bici sul tetto, così mi accorgo di essere entrata nel fine settimana. Arrivo nel paese-gioiello, meta principale del mio viaggio, Cesky Krumlov. Sono anni che voglio visitarlo.

Despite being in an area rich in tourist and among forests and mountains, known the difference from Austria and Germany. Crossing numerous machines with canoes and bikes on the roof, so I realize I have entered over the weekend. Arrival in the country-jewel, the main goal of my trip, Cesky Krumlov. For years, I want to visit.

See all 8 reports by Beatrice Virga

TOUR GORGES ARDECHE 100 km in 2 Stages
by Vicens Borrell, tour started April 2004, submitted 17 October 2012
Europe: France

This is a round trip through the Ardeche canyon, which is very impressive. It starts in Pont Saint Spirit, next to the Ardeche river, and goes to Vallon Pont d'Arc, in the first stage of 50 km. This is the most beautiful part of the trip, passing next to the canyon, with impressive views. The second stages, returns through the other side of the river, more pacefully and visiting the Ognac groutes, very interesting.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

by Vicens Borrell, tour started June 2001, submitted 17 October 2012

This is a round trip to Slovenia and part of Croatia. It starts from Trieste, in Italy, to go up north in Slovenia, following up the Soca River, and after Bovec to climb the Vrisic Mountain pass of 1611 m. Then all down to Bled and Lubjliana. Then to Novo Mesto and direct to Croatia (Zagreb). Then to Karlovac, with still many signs of the former 90's war, and return to Slovenia, through very quiet secondary roads, sometimes not paved. Postojna with the caves and finally return to Trieste. Steepy trip in the second stage, but the rest not very difficult. Traffic very pacific in Slovenia with many bike paths in Lubjliana. In Croatia traffic is busy and crazy.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

The highest pass.
TOUR OF MALLORCA 299 km in 4 Stages
by Vicens Borrell, tour started May 2003, submitted 17 October 2012
Europe: Spain

This is the round trip to the Mallorca Island in 4 stages. Starting at Palma Mallorca's harbour, the route leads east to the "Serra de Tramuntana" and to Soller. Then leads north east to Pollença. The rest of the tour is in the more flat eastern part of the island. To Manacor and returning to Palma after climbin the Santuiri church with an impressive view.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

Secondary road
TOUR DU MONTGRONY 86 km in 2 Stages
by Vicens Borrell, tour started June 2006, submitted 17 October 2012
Europe: Spain

This is a round trip from Sant Joan de las Abadessas, to pass a night in the quiet and beautiful Sanctuary of Montgrony. The first stage starts with the "Ruta del ferro" green bike line. An old railway converted in a bike path. From Ripoll, all is up to Gombren and finally climb to the Sanctuary. The secon stage is to go to Castellar de Nug, where Llobregat river borns, and return with the main road and pass the Coll de la Merolla, to arrive finally at the start point.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

Montgrony Sanctuary
Lady CoMo of the Pyrenees
by Kern Deorksen, tour started August 2012, submitted 16 October 2012
Europe: Spain, France

A 4 week, self-supported tandem tour through the Pyrenees of Spain and France.

We travelled west from Girona (Spain) to Sabinanigo, crossed to France, rode 4 Tour cols, returned to Spain, and completed a loop via the Mediterranean. Daily GPS routes and elevation profiles are included, as well as lots of photos.

See all 3 reports by Kern Deorksen

The col from Sort to La Seu d'Urgell (Spain)
From Atlantic to Mediterranean Sea (Canal Midi and Lateral Garone)
by Vicens Borrell, tour started June 2009, submitted 16 October 2012
Europe: France

Cycling near the Garonne and the Midi Canal. The first part of the trip is through the hilly vineyard of Bordeaux, till reaching the Canal Lateral of Garonne to Toulouse and then the Midi Canal and finally reach the Mediterranean Sea at Marsellain Plage. The route changes from Atlantic weather to mediterranean weather so the vegetation changes every stage.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

Canal du Midi
Tour of Denmark (Jutland). North Sea Route
by Vicens Borrell, tour started July 2010, submitted 16 October 2012
Europe: Denmark

Route around the Jutland's peninsula following clockwise route from the North Sea (between 6000 km). We start in he center in Billund, where the Legoland park and airport to go to the southwest, and then in Esbjerg we join the North Sea route to the top of the peninsula, Skagen (which in Denmark is Danish National route becomes n.1). In between we deviate a little to take the National Route 5, Denmark (Limfjord). From Skagen we go down to the middle, Aalborg and we head Aharus where we also have airport to go out.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

North Sea beaches with bunkers
Tour of Estonia
by Vicens Borrell, tour started June 2011, submitted 16 October 2012
Europe: Estonia

This is the Tour to Estonia counterclockwise starting and ending in Tallinn. You will visit the islands of Saaremaa and Hiiumaa and national parks Soomaa and Lahemaa. We follow part of National Bike Routes number 1, 5 and 4.

In 10 days you will do the almost complete round tour to this beautiful baltic country that is Estonia. 900 km through bike paths, green paths, non paved roads, quiet secondary roads and few main roads, but with not so much traffic. The trip is very flat, but a bit windy sometimes.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

Biking in one of the beautiful roads with few traffic of Estonia
Biking Low Danube 1000 km from Belgrad to Black Sea
by Vicens Borrell, tour started June 2012, submitted 16 October 2012

Route to go from Belgrade to Constanta, in the Black Sea, following the Dunav in its last 1000 km, through Serbia, Iron Gate between Carpathians and Balkans, and jumping from Bulgaria to Romania consecutively, in both sides of the river.

It's in 10 stages, plus one first stage from the airport to Belgrade Center, and one final stage to go from Constanta to Mamaia, to get a rent a car to go to Bucharest. This is a gorgeous trip, than crosses three countries, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria, that lives besides the river and whose lifes of people that lives beside depends on it. This is part of the Eurovelo 6, the route from the Atlantic (Loire) to Black Sea, crossing all Europe.

See all 8 reports by Vicens Borrell

Golubac Fortress at beginig of Iron Gate of Danube
A turn-b-turn cycle camping route in Brittany starting at Roscoff
by Breton Bikes, tour started 2012, submitted 14 October 2012
Europe: France

This is a lovely first tour for beginners or the more adventurous, looking to discover Brittany. It starts and finishes at the ferryport at Roscoff (Brittany Ferries) and is a week long, though obviously this can be modified. Detailed turn-by-turn instructions are given along with recommended camspites with contact details. Have fun:-)

A tour through Austria 2012
by José Rössner, tour started July 2012, submitted 14 October 2012
Europe: Austria
language: en, de, nl

I started my tour through Austria July 23rd till August 16th 2012 in Bremgarten CH. Via Liechtenstein and South-Tyrol I cycled eastward, around lake Neusiedlersee to Bratislava. The way back; up the Danube, Salzburg, Zell am See, Gerlos and Arlbergpass to Feldkirch and via the valley Toggenburg in Switzerland back home.

See all 29 reports by José Rössner

residual clouds while climbing the Silvrettapass
Black Sea Resorts
by Andrey Shadrunov, tour started August 2012, submitted 14 October 2012

Cycle tour along the western Black Sea coast by Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria with visiting popular rest resorts. Total run is 1700 km for 17 days. Danube Delta is also included.

See all 2 reports by Andrey Shadrunov

Pomorie, Bulgaria
Jutland (DK) - seconda parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2012, submitted 11 October 2012
Europe: Denmark
language: it

Giravamo incuriositi lo sguardo dentro il Niels Bugge's Hotel per capire quali pregevoli servizi ci dovesse elargire la storica locanda nella quale eravamo ospiti. L'interno era arredato con gusto da mobili d'epoca. Sulle pareti, occhi vivaci di personaggi, osservavano gli ospiti, da fotografie in bianco e nero entro nere cornici di legno e gesso. Con lo sguardo, di probabili primitivi proprietari, controllavano, ancora compiacendosi, il personale e gli ospiti.

Shooting curious gaze into the Niels Bugge's Hotel to see what valuable services we should bestow the historic inn where we were staying. The interior was tastefully decorated with antique furniture. On the walls, bright eyes of characters, watching the guests, from photographs in black and white by black frames of wood and plaster. With the look of probable original owners, controlled, yet welcoming, the staff and guests

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re


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