See the pages for the Netherlands of the Trento Bike Pages.

My favorite MTB-track

By Rob C. Coenders ( or, contributed on Thu, 23 Mar 95 13:29:25 +0100
I'm living in the center of the Netherlands. Here is my favorite track.

Between Veenendaal & Rhenen there is a former sandpit with great downhills (Dutch standard) and nice single tracks. The sandpit is a part of the Utrechtse heuvelrug (serie off small hill) and from there you can go into different directions into the woods.Here are some great places too.There are places with sand, woods and moorland.You can bike almost everywhere there are not so many places where bikes are not allowed. If you want to bike with high speeds please do that as early as possible.After 11:00 AM there are to many hikers. Due to some idiot bikers who think they are alone on this planet and that trails are for kids we have enormous problems with keeping the woods open for Bikers who respect the nature an other recreants which use the same trails.

Once a year whe have a two-days survival competition with the first day the wellknow survival contests and some run-bike-run races and the second day there are official KNWU (dutch cycling organisation) cross country races for all catagories.This one of the most beautiful crosscountry races in the nederlands because it is a race with a lot of difference in hight and a very competitive field.

if you want to bike here send me an E-mail and maybe i can go with you (if you like).

Keep biking,

R. Coenders