This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

Contents: Tours (2)   

Reports by Art & Judee Wickersham

All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Tandeming 'round the world' 09
by Art & Judee Wickersham, tour started December 2008, submitted 29 December 2008

We are entering our fourth year on our tandem adventure 'round the world'. We have visited Mexico, Central & South America, New Zeland, Australia, South East Asia, China, and Europe. We are now wintering over on the Costa Del Sol, Spain. Off to Morocco in Feb. 09 then back into Europe for 09.

See all 2 reports by Art & Judee Wickersham

Round the World Tandem Tour
by Art & Judee Wickersham, tour started September 2005, submitted 25 October 2006
language: english

We are 60 somethings, retired but inspired to ride our tandem around the world over the next five years. We rode out of Los Angeles, California September 2005 and proceeded south into Baja California, over by ferry to mainland Mexico. We have woven our way back and forth across the various countries as we have proceeded south. We plan to fly to New Zealand and Australia December 2006 and then after several months of exploration, begin to ride north through Asia. Our web site is a regularly updated journal with pictures. Visit us!

See all 2 reports by Art & Judee Wickersham