This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.
Contents: Tours (2)
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Bicycle World Tour
tour started June 2005, submitted 18 January 2008 America, Europe, Africa, Asia: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Germany, CzechRepublic, Austria, Italy, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Kenya, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, KoreaSouth
language: en, de, sp, ko
This is our second big trip with bicycle. It just started 1998 from Germany over Africa up to Asia with the destination South Korea (2000). Now, again on the road, we are travelling by bicycle in South America. We are since 06/2005 again on the road. Dies ist nun schon unsere zweite grosse Radtour. Es begann 1998 in Deutschland mit dem Weg nach Suedkorea und einem Abstecher in Afrika. Nun, seit 06/2005, sind wir mit unseren Raedern in Suedamerika unterwegs. |
Bicycle World Tour
tour started June 2005, submitted 23 August 2006 language: de, en, es, kr
Bicycle world tour part II from Mun Suk and Eric Wehrheim. Actual tour in South and maybe Central America. Open end. On the homepage you will find also some information and fotos from our bicycle-world-tour part I who was from Germany to South Corea by crossing Africa. If the link to our homepage doesn´t work well (sometimes in South America this happend to me) please go to It´s the same page only on another server. |