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Italy (all)

This page lists all reports that for Italy including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Italy.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.

Tours (continued)

Kate and Greg bike from Rome to Naples and South
by Greg Shannan, tour started 2012, submitted 14 July 2013
Europe: Italy

Descriptions of our cycling holidays in Europe for our friends. We are an old couple (a Canadian and an American) that travel by bike using hotels. This is a description of the places as much as the biking, but also relays our experience as cycling tourists in Europe.

Last year we biked through Andalusia in Spain to Gibraltar. This year we wanted to see some of Italy that we hadn't seen. Particularly, we wanted to see Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Mt. Vesuvius, and bike the Amalfi coast. This inevitably involved going to Naples.

See all 12 reports by Greg Shannan

Greg and Kate Bike From Venice to Milan
by Greg Shannan, tour started 2007, submitted 14 July 2013
Europe: Italy

Descriptions of our cycling holidays in Europe for our friends. We are an old couple (a Canadian and an American) that travel by bike using hotels. This is a description of the places as much as the biking, but also relays our experience as cycling tourists in Europe.

The idea behind this trip was that we would see Venice and Milan and get to bike another alpine pass, this time the Stelvio.

See all 12 reports by Greg Shannan

Da Bolgheri a Sirolo - Dal mare Tirreno al mare Adriatico
by Luciano Zamperini, tour started May 2013, submitted 26 May 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Itinerario in bicicletta, frizzante, spiritoso e poetico attraverso la Toscana, Umbria, Marche. Dal Mare Tirreno al mare Adriatico.

Bike route, sparkling, witty and poetic through Tuscany, Umbria, Marche. From the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Adriatic Sea

See all 3 reports by Luciano Zamperini

Tour cicloturistico completo nel Parco Nazionale Majella
by Mtb Murgia, tour started May 2013, submitted 8 May 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Itinerario nel Parco Nazionale Majella. Ogni tappa qui descritta è di circa 40/45 km. Interamente su strade asfaltate, di cui molte di poco traffico, permette di essere effettuata da chiunque abbia un minimo di allenamento e che viaggi con borse o zaino.

Route in the Majella National Park. Each step described here is about 40/45 km. Entirely on paved roads, many of which are of little traffic, can be done by anyone with a minimum of training and travel with bags or backpack.

Ötz valley (Ötztaler) bicycle marathon (I had a dream) 2010': 228 km + 5300 m
by Györgyi Gábor, tour started August 2010, submitted 5 May 2013
Europe: Austria, Italy

In the year of 2010 I participated in the Ötz valley bicyclemarathon (228 km + 5300 m) which is one of the most prestigious bicycle marathon event in Europe. Its slogan is „I have a dream” and a lot of starters think this, me too. First I saw a report about it in the TV 17 years earlier and I hoped I would cycle it once in my life. I rode my touringbike and I carried a small videocamera with me to record the day for video.

The route starts in Austria, Tirol. Its 1st climb is Kühtai (2020 m) which ascent contains a stretch with 16% steepness. On the descent I reached 86 km/h speed. After Brennerpass the 3rd ascent was Jaufenpass / Passo Monte Giovo by pleasant sunny weather. As I reached Bad St Leonhard in time (before timelimit) I knew that the last hard climb, Passo Rombo / Timmelsjoch (250 m) would be a pleasure for me (I knew it too, had climbed earlier): enough time and unbelievable feeling on that wonderful road. I took a lot of photos and often used my videocamera and enjoyed the last climb very much, while I saw few cyclists struggling. I reached the finish with great emotions and memories: that was one of the most memorable day of my life. The travelogue contains a 28 minutes long video about the bicycle marathon.

See all 26 reports by Györgyi Gábor

Ötztaler bicycle marathon: last pass: Passo Rombo
by Enrico Maria Crepaldi, tour started April 2013, submitted 19 April 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

L'opportunità di riscoprire vecchi percorsi arginali, uniti ad affascinanti tratti di strade rurali attraverso rigogliose colture frutticole e formazioni boscose fluviali, ha portato all'ideazione di una proposta di percorso cicloturistico che colleghi due direttrici turistiche a valenza europea già affermate ed in fase di definizione e potenziamento quali la dx Adige e la sx Po.

The opportunity to rediscover old riverside paths, combined with fascinating stretches of rural roads through lush forested river formations and fruit crops, has resulted in the development of a proposal for a cycle path linking two main tourist valence European-established and being definition and enhancement such as right Adige River and left Po River.

Via dei normanni, Lecce
by Fiab Lecce, tour started April 2012, submitted 3 April 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

L'itinerario si svolge nell'area a nord-est di Lecce toccando il Bosco di Rauccio, posto quasi in prossimità della costa adriatica. Il bosco è uno degli ambienti naturali più belli di Puglia, ultimo residuo di una più estesa e folta copertura boschiva conosciuta nel medioevo come "Foresta di Lecce". Ma la meta ultima della nostra ciclo-navigazione è la straordinaria Abbazia di Cerrate, della prima metà del XII secolo, la cui costruzione sarebbe stata voluta dal conte normanno Tancredi.

The tour takes place in the area north-east of Lecce touching the Rauccio Forest, located almost near the Adriatic coast. The forest is one of the most beautiful natural environments of Puglia, the last remnant of a more extensive and dense forest cover in the Middle Ages known as the "Forest of Lecce." But the ultimate goal of our cycle-navigation is the extraordinary Abbey Cerrate, the first half of the twelfth century, whose construction was commissioned by the count Norman Tancredi.

Munich to Venice
by David Cain, tour started August 2011, submitted 3 March 2013

A month of biking took us from Munich to Venice over the Alps. We did not bike up the Alps. Check the site to find out how we did get up. We went up the Inn river from Rosenheim through Innsbruck to Landeck. Once over the Alps through the Reschen Pass, we followed a beautifil Adige (Etsch in German) river. The Adige flows through Bolzano, Trento to Verona. Along the Po river it was a zig zag route to Venice.

Biking down the Adige River
Via Francigena - terza parte
by Ubaldo Bagnaresi, tour started August 2012, submitted 17 February 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Roma, la città più bella del mondo, non finisce mai di stupire con la sua eleganza architettonica di ogni epoca. Non mi stupiscono i chilometri percorsi per visitarla: ben 75. Il giornale che leggo in treno al mio rientro, è solo un pretesto per calmare la mente pervasa di mille ricordi, di mille visioni, di mille chilometri.

Rome, the most beautiful city in the world, never ceases to amaze with its architectural elegance of every age. I'm not surprised the mileage to visit: well 75. The newspaper I read on the train on my return, it's just an excuse to calm the mind filled with a thousand memories, a thousand visions of a thousand miles.

See all 3 reports by Ubaldo Bagnaresi

Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo by bike
by Alessandro, tour started December 2012, submitted 4 February 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

A bike tour in winter, along 4 Regional or National Parks. 350 km in six days. From Spoleto (Umbria) to Sora (Lazio).

See all 2 reports by Alessandro

Elba in bici
by Alessandro, tour started June 2012, submitted 4 February 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Riding bike around Elba Island, in june, from and to Portoferraio.

See all 2 reports by Alessandro

Via Francigena - seconda parte
by Ubaldo Bagnaresi, tour started August 2012, submitted 27 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Continua il racconto dell'itinerario da Aosta a Roma

Fuori Pavia il percorso Francigeno si inoltra in strette strade provinciali e piste sterrate. Oltrepasso Belgioioso con il suo bel castello, sosto per il pranzo all'ombra di un altro castello il Cusani Visconti di Chignolo Po,supero il ponte della ferrovia di Lambrinia, seguo una strada sterrata sull'argine del fiume che conduce a Corte Sant'Andrea.

Continues the story of the bicycle trip from Aosta to Rome. Out of Pavia path Francigeno you forward in narrow roads and dirt tracks. I cross Belgioioso with its beautiful castle, I stop for lunch in the shade of another castle of the Visconti Cusani

See all 3 reports by Ubaldo Bagnaresi

Via Francigena - prima parte
by Ubaldo Bagnaresi, tour started September 2012, submitted 22 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Prima parte dell'itinerario dal Gran San Bernardo a Roma percorso in bicicletta lungo il il pellegrinaggio del vescovo Sigerico che nel X secolo fece da Canterbury a Roma. Questo itinerario attraversa le testimonianze più significative dell'epoca medioevale.

First part of trip from the Great St. Bernard to Rome by bike, path along the pilgrimage of the bishop Sigerico that in the tenth century made from Canterbury to Rome. This route passes through the most significant example of medieval era.

See all 3 reports by Ubaldo Bagnaresi

Dall'Argdentario al Conero seconda parte
by Angelo Fedi, tour started August 2012, submitted 15 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Seconda parte dell'itinerario con dati GPS del percorso. Descrizione del diario di viaggio con precisione e professionalità. Tirreno -Adriatico dall'Argentario al Conero 374 km suddivisi in cinque tappe; 4370 mt di dislivello; oltre 37 h in bicicletta. Hanno pedalato questo viaggio condividendone salite e discese, sole e pioggia, gioie e sudore, allegria e amicizia:Angelo, Enzo, Giorgio, Giuseppe, Marino, Pietro, Stefano. a cura della Associazione FIAB-Grossetociclabile. "In bici per l'ambiente"

Second part of the data with GPS location. Description of the travel diary with precision and professionalism. Tirreno-Adriatico Argentario to the Conero 374 km divided into five stages; 4370 meters of elevation gain over 37 h on a bicycle. Rode this trip sharing ups and downs, sun and rain, sweat and joy, happiness and friendship: Angelo, Enzo, George, Joseph Marino, Peter, Stephen. by the Association FIAB-Grossetociclabile. "Cycling for the environment"

See all 2 reports by Angelo Fedi

Dall'Argentario al Conero - prima parte
by Angelo Fedi, tour started August 2012, submitted 9 January 2013
Europe: Italy
language: it

Dal Tirreno all'Adriatico, un viaggio in bicicletta che attraversa in orizzontale l'Italia, per congiungere idealmente i due promontori posti geograficamente "all'altezza del cuore" del Paese.

From the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic Sea, a bike trip through horizontally Italy, to join the two promontories ideally placed geographically "at the heart" of Country.

Orbetello, Capalbio, Bolsena, Orvieto, Todi, Massa Martana, Bevagna, Foligno, Plateau Col Fiorito, Serravalle di Chienti, Tolentino, Macerata, Recanati, Loreto, Ancona, Ancona centers of historic, scenic and cultural meet along the way. The Ways Aurelia, Cassia and Flaminia consular roads you ride, of 'Albegna in Tuscany, the Tiber in Rome, Chienti and Power in the Marche region, the valleys of the rivers that follow.

See all 2 reports by Angelo Fedi

A mountain pass safari in the western alps
by Michael Fiebach, tour started May 2012, submitted 30 December 2012
language: en, de

This last spring and summer I was lucky enough to explore one of the world's most popular bicycle climbing areas in the world: the western alps. So I took lots of notes,and many pictures of my bike rides over more than 50 passes and summits.

Some of my favorite memories are these crossings: Col et Tunnel de Parpaillon , Col de la Croix de Fere , Col de la Cayolle

But summits do not have to be that high to impress with their beauty: For example the D32 summit in Utelle, or a ride over Col d'Eze or Colle Langan on the glitzy Cote d'Azure.

See all 8 reports by Michael Fiebach

southern approach to Col du Glandon and Col de la Croix de Fere from summit of Glandon
Laguna veneta spritz tour 2012
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2012, submitted 26 December 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] Quest'anno per una serie di motivi abbiamo optato per un breve tour in patria non privo comunque di interesse come il titolo e la foto introduttiva sono a testimoniare.

Il nostro solito e collaudato periodo è ad inizio giugno, le scuole sono ancora in attività (Alessio saluta il signor direttore), le giornate sono le più lunghe dell'anno, il caldo quello vero è ancora in rodaggio e per i prezzi siamo ancora in fase low cost.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

Spritz  !!!
Francia 2008
by Leo & Kekko, tour started June 2008, submitted 26 December 2012
Europe: Italy, France
language: it, fr, en

[DOC] Per un paio d'anni, praticamente ogni domenica mattina durante il nostro giro in bici, il ritornello è sempre stato quello e cioè l'idea di un viaggio in bici che durasse qualche giorno e non solo le quattro, cinque ore domenicali.

Le strade di casa nostra ormai percorse in bici decine e decine di volte cominciavano ad avere l'orizzonte della cyclette in camera e dunque la domanda diventava sempre più martellante " Nemo in Francia in bicicreta ??" (Andiamo in Francia in bicicletta ??). Non ci è voluto tanto tempo per organizzare questo "over 50 tour" con lo spirito del cicloturista o ciclo viaggiatore e cioè con il preciso intento che velocità e media oraria non dovessero essere la nostra preoccupazione. Perché in Francia? Perché l'idea è nata per raggiungere la città di mia moglie Valence (Drome) un centinaio di km a sud di Lyon e perché in Francia si mangia bene e perché in Francia c'è del buon vino e perché in Francia i ciclisti sono veramente rispettati.

See all 4 reports by Leo & Kekko

I compagni di merende
Trieste - Serajevo
by Massimo Armati, tour started August 2012, submitted 8 December 2012
language: it

Trieste porta dell'est. Oltre questo confine finisce l'occidente e ci si immerge in una mescolanza di culture e religioni che convivono da secoli, non senza problemi, una affianco all'altra. Guerre, invasioni e lotte intestine hanno caratterizzato la storia dei Balcani, territorio la cui bellezza stupisce, così come non lascia indifferenti la disponibilità ed il senso di fratellanza con cui si viene accolti. Percorrere a ritroso le strade attraversate dai turchi cinquecento anni prima, visitare i palazzi della dominazione asburgica a Sarajevo, vedere la recente guerra balcanica negli edifici forati dai proiettili o nelle lapidi tutte vecchie di due decenni. Leggi tutto...

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

Traveling around the world
by Laia i Marc, tour started 2012, submitted 3 December 2012
language: ca
Lana 2012 Tour
by Iris Mueck, tour started September 2012, submitted 6 September 2012
Europe: Italy

Our travel to Lana: by train and bicycle. Leaving Vienna by night train, which arrives very early in the morning at Innsbruck: 4:17 hrs. Still dark! We ride in night time the old Brenner road. Just beautiful. We experienced a lot of traffic from people sparing the toll for the freeway. But, we earned our award on the downhill of the newly erected bicycle path at the Brenner road down to Vipiteno (Sterzing). Continued riding down the Eisack valley to Bolzano on the bicycle path.

See all 119 reports by Iris Mueck

men at work
Calabria, Basilicata, Puglia in Bicicletta
by cicloturismo - alessandro, tour started August 2012, submitted 2 September 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it

600 km by bicycle in 10 days through Calabria, Basilicata and Puglia. Visited 2 National Parks (Sila and Gargano) and 2 Unesco sites (Sassi di Matera and Trulli di Alberobello).

See all 16 reports by cicloturismo - alessandro

Riding in Europe, Alps
by Ray Hosler, tour started 1985, submitted 22 August 2012

The Alps have long been a summer and winter playground for vacationers around the world. They ski, they hike, they ride bikes. What better venue for the Tour de France than the Alps? After many years of reading, seeing, and dreaming, I had an opportunity to see Europe by bike. As a free-lance writer working part-time at Palo Alto Bicycles, I had no commitments. It was 1985. Greg LeMond had nearly won the Tour de France and was competing in the World Championships in Italy. I decided to go see him race. A friend who was familiar with riding in Europe gave valuable advice.

See all 2 reports by Ray Hosler

Riding in Europe, Alps
by Ray Hosler, tour started 1986, submitted 22 August 2012

After my first ride through the Alps the previous year, I had the opportunity to go with a friend, Jobst Brandt, who had been riding in Europe since 1959. We would brave fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown in Russia. A plume of radioactive dust blew over the Alps while we were there, so here's my glowing report.

See all 2 reports by Ray Hosler

BIKETRAVEL247 - 1000km in 60 hours on a road bike
by BIKETRAVEL247, tour started June 2012, submitted 17 August 2012

This website is about our latest 1000 km tour through slovenia, croatia and italy. If you want to support, sponsor or donate to help our upcoming 2013 tour from istanbul to odessa - contact us at

Tour of the Dolomites
by Richard Evans, tour started August 2009, submitted 27 July 2012
Europe: Italy, Austria

In 2009 I took a tour of the Dolomites. After taking the train from Venice, the tour started in Belluno, taking me to Canazei, Cortina and over into Austria. The tour takes in some famous climbs but also less obvious but just as spectacular passes. The page includes information on the hotels and restaurants that I used.

See all 12 reports by Richard Evans

Passo Valporola
Cycling adventure from Morocco to Turkey via Europe
by Jordan Mann and Christian Eaton, tour started March 2012, submitted 28 June 2012

This is a tour from Morocco to Turkey via Europe stopping through Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Turkey. As of now we are in Croatia heading South. Enjoy and feel free to contact us or comment.

Cycled to the top of a fortress in Sintra, Portugal.
Cycle Tour in the Po Valley
by Suzanne Gibson, tour started May 2012, submitted 17 June 2012
Europe: Italy

Italy, Italy, why Italy? We live in Munich and Italy is close and yet foreign. It's easy to get there by train with our bikes and its culture will never cease to lure us - its food, language, architecture, flair. We chose this stretch along the Po for its abundance of beautiful towns and cities and May is a perfect time to open the cycling season. On this two-week tour we didn't stick strictly to the Po, but meandered off when a city interested us or we hadn't been there before.

See all 25 reports by Suzanne Gibson

Piazza Duomo in Cremona
Roma - Torino in bici
by cicloturismo - alessandro, tour started May 2012, submitted 17 June 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it

Bike tour from Rome to Turin. 10 days and about 700 km

See all 16 reports by cicloturismo - alessandro

Cammino di Sant'Antonio-percorso Muson dei Sassi
by Fernando Da Re, tour started May 2012, submitted 4 June 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it

L'itinerario ciclabile inaugurato nel 2009 parte da Cadoneghe e ripercorre il "cammino di Sant'Antonio" fino a Camposampiero. In realtà il Santo fece questo percorso nel senso inverso: trovandosi a Camposampiero quasi morente, volle giungere a Padova dove morì il 13 giugno del 1231.

The cycle route opened in 2009 starts from Cadoneghe and traces the "journey of St. Anthony" until Camposampiero. In reality, the Holy One did this route in reverse: finding Camposampiero almost dying, he wanted to come to Padua where he died 13 June 1231.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Valli di Comacchio
by Fernando Da Re, tour started May 2012, submitted 15 May 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it

Percorso in bicicletta lungo le ciclabili FE 425 e FE 417 che ad anello unisce i Lidi Ferraresi attraversando le Valli di Comacchio.

Cycling along the bike path FE 425 and FE 417 that combines the Lidi Ferraresi ring through the valleys of Comacchio.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Tour des Alpes du Sud
by Hubert Becker, tour started July 2005, submitted 16 March 2012
Europe: France, Italy
language: fr

Une balade à vélo très exigeante en 7 étapes journalières, en somme plus de 450 km à travers les Alpes du Sud (France et Italie), des étapes journalières entre 34 et 92 kilomètres. Il y a 16 cols à surmonter, dont 15 sont plus de 2000 m.

See all 29 reports by Hubert Becker

L'équipe sur le Colle dei Morti
Greedy Euro Bike Tour
by Marco Bacchin , tour started 2012, submitted 9 March 2012
language: en, it

Da lì a là is an Italian expression meaning roughly hither and thither, and this summarize my will, my restless temper of changing place every so often. I'm biking around Europe stopping from time to time when my attention is captured by an outstanding recipe a traditional food or a weird one. Pedalling alone is just fine, but together with other cyclists, especially from the country I'll be riding at the moment is just fantastic: less fatigue, more fun. You can get a look at the Euro-Tour map to get a gist of what'll be the route I'll follow in this year. If you're biking in the some zone, or nearby or you're going to start something similar and you'll like to have a ride together, let me know. Get in touch! Sys

Dall'Adriatico al Baltico - Da Trieste a Riga 3^ parte
by Massimo Armati, tour started July 2012, submitted 1 March 2012

" The show must go on", non ho alternative, riparto. Gli spazi si dilatano e anche qui, come in Polonia tra un paese e l'altro ci sono 10-15 chilometri di nulla, prati incolti, strette mulattiere sterrate che si diramano verso il nulla, rare mucche al pascolo e camioncini catapultati dalla macchina del tempo. Un chiosco di legno, in centro città è l'unica opportunità che ho per comprare qualcosa da mangiare, In pochi metri quadrati sono esposti i più disparati generi alimentari e non. Sembra il codice fiscale di un supermercato. Esco e trovo quattro bambini attratti dalla mia bici.

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

Lombardische Alpen
by Hubert Becker, tour started June 2009, submitted 10 February 2012
Europe: Italy
language: de

Eine Pässerunde durch die brescianer und bergamasker Alpen in 4 Tagesetappen über 329 km. Tagesetappen zwischen 98 und 51 Kilometern.

See all 29 reports by Hubert Becker

Am Lago d'Idro
Dall' Adriatico al Baltico, da Trieste a Riga seconda parte
by Massimo Armati, tour started July 2011, submitted 8 February 2012

Seconda parte di 2.200 km. in bicicletta da Trieste a Riga

Katovice: un' edicola con esposti quotidiani e cavolfiori (immagino di propria produzione), un tram che si regge a stenti quasi investe un Suv fresco di concessionaria e oltre una strada ciottolata, una zona commerciale degna di qualsiasi città italiana: supermercato, articoli sportivi, bricolage e giardinaggio. Resto senza parole. Noiosa pianura , dove l'unica cosa da fare è contare i chilometri mancanti a Chestokova. segue...

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

Tour of the Alps 2011
by Jerry Nilson, tour started July 2011, submitted 5 February 2012

Some of the climbs on this 3300 km tour of the Alps included: Kitzbüheler horn (1996m), Sella di (Monte) Zoncolan (1739m) from Priola, Passo del Cason di Lanza (1557m) (from east), Portes de Culet (1787m) from Morgins, Bäregg (2451m), Lago del Narèt (2313m), Sewenegg (1742m), Pertet à Bovets (1840m), Euschelspass (1567m), Edelweißspitze (2572m), Loiblpass/Ljubelj (old road) (1368m), Telegrafo/Punta Veleno (1156m) and walking up through the woods to Chalets du Charmant Som (1669m).

See all 13 reports by Jerry Nilson

climb to La Foilleuse from Monthey
Via Francigena in bicicletta
by Alberica, tour started August 2011, submitted 2 February 2012
Europe: Italy
language: it

Bicycle tour from Fidenza, (Emilia Romagna), to Rome, along via Francigena. About 500 km with a friend.

Bicycle tour in the French Alps: completing the collection of paved ascents going above 2000 m
by Györgyi Gábor, tour started June 2011, submitted 2 February 2012
Europe: Italy, France

After my previous year, when I cycled up to all of the paved ascents of the Pyrenées above 2000m, for this bicycle tour my aim was to complete the collection of the paved roads above 2000 m in the French Alps. That meant visiting hardly known climbs, like for example Parking du Laus (2110 m) by Lac Allos, or Chalet Laval, Lac Besson (2090 m) above Alpe d’Huez, or the climb to Plan d’Aval and Plan du Lac (2362 m), about which there were no cycling informations on the internet, although it is a wonderful road. Besides these climbs I visited well known cols, passes, where I was indulging in nostalgia. Almost every 2nd day I had few hour long rain, and during the tour I cycled minimum 5 times in rain above 2000 m, but fortunately I was lucky on the „milestone-days”: when I climbed La Bonette (2802 m), Col du Galibier under clear skies and Col de l’Iseran. With cycling up to Courchevel (2030 m) I reached my aim: I cycled up to all of the asphalted roads of the French Alps finishing above 2000 m. The travelogue contains about minimum 15 minutes long videos about each day.

See all 26 reports by Györgyi Gábor

Gábor Györgyi bicycling to Col de l'Iseran from South
Dall' Adriatico al Baltico, da Trieste a Riga
by Massimo Armati, tour started July 2011, submitted 31 January 2012
language: it

Il mare, la mia insegnante di inglese ed Auschwitz. Tre cose che apparentemente non hanno nulla in comune, ma che in realtà sono le basi che hanno fatto nascere questo ciclo-viaggio. Un viaggio dall' Adriatico al Baltico, la visita ad Oswiecim ( nome polacco di Auschwitz) e un salto a Riga, città natale della mia insegnante di inglese. Cartine alla mano, è stato sufficiente tirate una traccia (o meglio una Riga) aggiungere qualche deviazione turistica ed ecco preparato un viaggio.

See all 6 reports by Massimo Armati

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