This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.
Contents: Tours (16) Trails (1) Sites (1) Cycling info pages (3)
This page lists all reports that for Montenegro including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Montenegro.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Jeffs Bike Tour: Mediterranean Zig Zag
tour started April 2013, submitted 14 October 2013 I´m biking all the Mediterranean countries over a period of nine months. I spend about one month in each country. I have used the train or bus to help move the show down the road. I´m currently in Albania. I´m mostly camping, though hostels and hotels are always great too. |
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Cycling adventure from Morocco to Turkey via Europe
tour started March 2012, submitted 28 June 2012 Europe, Africa, Asia: Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey
This is a tour from Morocco to Turkey via Europe stopping through Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Turkey. As of now we are in Croatia heading South. Enjoy and feel free to contact us or comment. |
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By tandem-bike around the Mediterranean Sea
tour started February 2011, submitted 27 December 2011 language: es
Estamos realizando el sueño de unir a los pueblos mediterráneos mediante la bicicleta, en concreto montados en un tandem. Salimos de Sevilla en marzo de 2011, a la vez iban floreciendo las revoluciones de La Primavera Árabe y Europa se tambalea. Vivir este momento histórico desde la bicicleta está siendo una experiencia sin igual. Por ahora hemos recorrido la costa norte del Mare Nostrum y continuamos nuestro viaje en sentido horario. Un viaje donde lo principal no son los paisajes sino las personas. |
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Budapest to Corfu 2010 - Over the Balkans
tour started June 2010, submitted 27 October 2010 The Budapest to Corfu route was planned to be as diverse as we could get it. A mixture of terrain, landscape and seascape. Throw a variety of cultures into the mix and an ''off the beaten track'' feel to the trip and the result is a recipe for enjoyment. To get us warmed up a nice, we had a comfortable flat section in Hungary. This was followed up by a gradual climb up the River Drina into the heart of the Balkans. The big climbs started after Bajina Basta in Serbia and continued until Kolasin, a ski resort in Montenegro. A 40 mile drop off the western edge of the Balkans was enjoyed into Podgorica, the Montenegrin capital. A very picturesque section follows, to the south side of Lake Skadarsko. It is a single track road containing big steep climbs along a mountainside with fantastic views over the lake to Albania. The route then follows the Albanian coastline down to Sarande and over to Corfu. The section after Vlore is very quiet, taking in the Logara Pass. Himare is a great stop over being a nice little resort which is unspoilt for now. Sarande is much bigger but still has it's plus points. The spare slack at the end of the tour was put to good use on Corfu. |
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Balkanised: A ride (mostly) in the former Yugoslavia
tour started March 2010, submitted 22 June 2010 A ride mostly from Albania to Austria which included too much snow. |
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London to Athens 4 kids in poverty
tour started July 2009, submitted 4 June 2009 25,000 children die each day mainly from preventable causes. These children are not dying from incurable diseases or causes. These children are dying from diarrhea, pneumonia, measles and malaria - things that cost pennies to treat or prevent. My aim is to raise £25,000 by riding 4,000 kilometres from London to Athens with an average of 25,000 spins of my legs per day. |
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A simple life on a beautiful world... and on a bicycle
tour started September 2004, submitted 1 June 2009 Europe, Asia, Africa, America: Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, SouthAfrica, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
language: en, fr, es, pt
I left home in September 2004. I was supposed to cycle to Tibet in 7-8 months. Until now, I never reached Tibet and I'm still on the road. A cold winter in Turkey make me change my itinery and then my travel's philosophy. I decided that the performance was not that important but the road itself brings me everything. In almost a total of 2 years where I worked as a safari tour guide in Namibia, I had enough money to continue and live the dream further and further. Soon, I will attempt to buy a boat in Amazonia and turn it into a bicyle-boat to cross the Amazonas on its bigest highways: the rivers! This tour is still in process and I will keep it updated on my website. nature, dirt roads, cultures and wildlife lover.. |
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World Biking:share the adventure of cycling around the world
tour started June 2006, submitted 20 May 2009 Africa, Europe, America, Asia: France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, SierraLeone, Mali, Niger, BurkinaFaso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, EquatorialGuinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, SouthAfrica, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, USA
World Biking: The web's most comprehensive Africa Cycling Expedition. Eric and Amaya pedalled 55,000 kilometers and traversed 55 countries (37 in Africa) when they cycled from France to Cape Town via West Africa and then back to France via East Africa and the Middle East between 2006 and 2009. The next stage of their expedition beginning in June 2009 will take them across the USA and then through South America all the way to its southernmost tip, Ushuaia. Lots of photos, tales of their adventure plus touring tips, practical information and gear reviews. |
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Viaggio al centro dei Balcani
tour started August 2005, submitted 1 April 2009 language: it
Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croazia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia: un itinerario da non interpretarsi come una discesa negli ``abissi balcanici'', una sorta di ``Cuore di tenebra'' alla Conrad, ma un viaggio esplorativo in una regione che merita di essere vista con lenti diverse da quelle massmediatiche. Andateci e non ne rimarrete delusi! |
Travel towards the unknown, meet people, respect the Earth!
tour started June 2008, submitted 13 March 2009 Asia, Europe: Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France
language: en, fr
An ``aventure bicyclétale'', it's a two-wheeled little miracle which combines discoveries around the world, respect of others and protection of the environment. So let's get in the saddle! After 10 years in Asia, I've decided to go home, to Châteaudun in France. I left on Sunday the 29th of June 08 from Bangkok, I'm on my way. |
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europa tour
tour started April 2008, submitted 10 December 2008 Europe: France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy
language: en, fr est le site de l'association ``Vélo pour nous, vélo pour vous'', qui à pour but de promouvoir la pratique du vélo. Entre autres, il raconte les voyages en vélo de ses adhèrents, et pas seulement... Une grande partie est dédié au voyage de Claudia et Thomas autour d'Europe. Leur but est de faire un inventaire de la culture du vélo en Europe. Des jolis photos et un impressionant carnet de bord vous attend à les découvrir... |
Albania and Montenegro
tour started June 2008, submitted 28 September 2008 In 2008 the Hannover Bike Boys flew to Corfu and set off on a tour through Albania and Montenegro. Both countries are easy to visit challenging to cycle. We had no problem finding accommodation and decent food and beer, the scenery was wonderful but the cycling was hard with several high (1000m) passes. |
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London to Beijing by bicycle
tour started January 2006, submitted 23 January 2007 Europe, Asia: UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China
A travelogue from an 8 month, 16,000km bike tour from London to Beijing via the ancient silk roads. |
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One week bike tour in the new independent Montenegro and Serbia
tour started June 2006, submitted 13 January 2007 language: hu
Montenegro is beautiful. Montenegro is affordable. The personal train transport is also good in Montenegro (and you can carry bicycle). There are brilliant beaches, marvellous mountains and canyons, lovely lakes, old or cheer towns, a lot of cafes and restaruants with local specialities. So there are everything what we want. Even though we met only tree Russian bikers in this country. |
A bicycle tour from Switzerland to South Africa
tour started September 2004, submitted 19 October 2006 Europe, Asia, Africa: Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, SouthAfrica
I decide to leave Switzerland and cycle until Tibet. The road decide for me and I finally arrive one and an half year later in Cape Town, South Africa. This is a journey dedicated to freedom, people and nature. This tour may continue to South America but I'm still working as a tour guide in Namibia to get money for the next destinations. Have a look on my cold stage in Turkey, nice time in Syria, amazing Sudanese crossing, wild Tanzanian experience, pure Namibia, etc... I hope you will enjoy and feel free to contact me. |
Biketour along the Adria sea
tour started July 2003 After experiences in cycle-touring abroad gathered 6-8 year long, for this (2003) summer I preferred to cycle along the Adria next to the mountains than to push the pedals on the ascents of the Alps (I did it in 2001). Year by year I like more and more those places where I can enjoy both the beauty of the mountains and the clear lake or sea. Croatia and Montengro are such places. I knew that bicycling along the Adria to Dubrovnik would took me about 7-9 days, but besides (emellett) I wanted to visit a few islands. I thought if I reach Dubrovnik - this wonderful town, only one day trip from the Gulf of Kotor - I would have to cycle there to. About Montenegro I read and saw beautiful photos on the website of and and On the website of baraka there were useful informations about travelling to Montenegro and their programtips gave me good ideas where to bike. I could fit in the more than 2 week, less than 3 week long holiday only if I had reached Ljubljana by train and had planned to travel to home from there by train too. (This way was shorter by one day than biking to the sea from Zagreb) Besides I purchased a ticket for a ship between Dubrovnik and Rijeka. |
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Durmitor by mountain bike
tour started November 2005 Europe: Montenegro
A photo collection of a tour of the Durmitor nature park, designated by Unesco. |
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Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, UK
language: de
A massive travel site, this guy has been everywhere. Hier finden sich einige deutschsprachige Reiseberichte von Fahrradtouren, die hoffentlich unterhaltsam und informativ sind, aber auch vielleicht die eine oder andere Anregung für Leute geben, die selber einmal so etwas machen wollen. Für englischsprachige Radtourenberichte habe ich hier auch einen Anfang gemacht, ebenso für schwedischsprachige Radtourenberichte, wobei noch ein bißchen auf norwegisch und dänisch dabei ist, aber diese drei skaninavischen Sprachen sind so ähnlich, daß man entweder alle drei ein bißchen lesen kann oder eben keine davon. |
The Twizi hostel directory - the cheapest places to stay on the planet
, submitted 6 January 2007 Europe, Asia, America: Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, NewZealand, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela
[The author travels around the world and reviews hostels, and has built up a large hostel directory.] What are hostels? The quickest answer I can give to you is that hostels are budget accommodations where you share a room with other travelers. To be more specific though and to give you a better idea of what to expect I will say that a hostel room is like a hotel room but instead of being just one bed there are a couple (or a few) bunk beds. There are also (gasp!) other people. People you do not know! These other people are travelers who are most likely very much like you in the sense that they are exploring and traveling and doing it as absolutely cheaply as possible. Hostels have been around a long long time. There are over 20,000 of them around the world. Hostels are very much a part of the culture of Europe, and are starting to be known in the USA as well. Hostels are a cheaper way of staying in a city where you do not live. |
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Visit Montenegro"
Europe: Montenegro
Montenegro - the pearl of the Mediterranean, unique in many ways, and situated in the south of the Adriatic. There is nowhere else that one can find in such a small place so much natural wealth, beauty, mild beaches, clear lakes, fast rivers and gorgeous mountains - except in Montenegro. In the morning you can wake up in the beautiful Adriatic coast, have lunch on the banks of Skadar Lake, and enjoy the evening walks in the Montenegrin mountains. Montenegro is a place that cannot leave you indifferent. |
Rec.Travel Library: Montenegro
Europe: Montenegro