This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

Contents: Tours (1)    Trails (1)   

Reports by Ulf Berntsen

All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Across the international border Norway - Russia
by Ulf Berntsen, tour started March 1998

A short bicycle trip from one world to another (plus train travel 36 hours from Nikel to St. Petersburg, and a bike trip in the streets of St. Petersburg).

Also see Igor Romanenko's Comments.

See all 2 reports by Ulf Berntsen

Winter Palace in St. Petersburg


Across the Hardangervidda mountain table-land
by Ulf Berntsen, tour started August 1989

Dyranut - Trondsbu - Sandhaug - Lågaros. This is the English version of the original Norwegian one: Med sykkel som bagasjetralle / Hardangervidda - fra nord til sør / Dyranut - Trondsbu - Sandhaug - Lågaros.

[The] report of a [...] bike trip in 1989, across the central part of the big mountain plateau Hardangervidda in Norway. The first 12 km on a narrow gravel road, the next 52 km without roads at all. My friend and I followed hiking trails.

You will find the area in your world atlas when searching south of the railway line Oslo - Bergen. We went by train to Geilo, and bus about 40 km to a desolate point at the highway to the Hardanger fjords. The endpoint of the trip was at Mogen north of the small town Rjukan, in the Telemark county. We went by boat across the 35 km distance of Mosvatn lake. Finally we made a bike trip (25 km) at the old and forgotten construction road down to Rjukan.

The Hardangervidda is a rather flat mountain plateau, at altitude 1100-1350 metres above sea level. The terrain is very easy - if you look at detailed maps in scale 1:50000. But big stones (1-2 metres), wet areas, dirt and a very small but angry wood vegetation are not indicated at the maps...

See all 2 reports by Ulf Berntsen