This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

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Canada (all)

This page lists all reports that for Canada including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Canada.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
by George Christensen, submitted 10 June 2024

George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991.

He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here.

He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015.

New Mexico, si conclude l'avventura in bicicletta di Renato Frignani lungo la Great Divide Mountain Bike Route
by Renato Frignani, tour started August 2018, submitted 8 April 2019
USA: America, Canada, USA
language: it

Concludiamo con questa pagina il racconto del ciclo-viaggio di Renato Frignani dal Canada al New Mexico denominata Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Il percorso degli ultimi 1200 chilometri.

We conclude with this page the story of Renato Frignani's cycle-trip from Canada to New Mexico called the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. The route of the last 1200 kilometers.

See all 4 reports by Renato Frignani

New Mexico border
Attraversata di Wyoming e Colorado lungo la G D M B R
by Renato Frignani, tour started August 2018, submitted 8 April 2019
USA: America, Canada, USA
language: it

La bicicletta permette di addentrarsi con lentezza nel territorio: il Wyoming, nuovo Stato nel quale sto per entrare, muta il paesaggio precedente lasciando intravedere ampie foreste, ampi spazi con a zone aperte intervallate da aree boschive, prati fioriti e pascoli.Devono essere superati anche Alcuni passi importanti come il Togwotee e Union Pass che si trovano entrambi poco sotto i 3000 metri di quota. Terza parte Dal Wyoming al Colorado 2.000 km

The bicycle allows you to go slowly into the territory: Wyoming, the new state I am about to enter, changes the previous landscape, revealing large forests, wide open spaces with open areas interspersed with wooded areas, flowery meadows and pastures. They must also be overcome Some important steps like the Togwotee and Union Pass, both of which are just under 3,000 meters above sea level. Third part From Wyoming to Colorado 2,000 km

See all 4 reports by Renato Frignani

Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, dal confine Usa a Yellowstone Park.
by Renato Frignani, tour started August 2018, submitted 8 April 2019
USA: America, Canada, USA
language: it

Con l?avvicinarsi agli Stati Uniti il paesaggio dolcemente si appiattisce, prevalgono colline e allevamenti di bestiame, ranch e piccoli villaggi. Roosville è la porta di accesso agli Stati Uniti: il Montana ti dà il benvenuto ed è anche lo stato dove si percorrono più chilometri. L?ingresso negli Stati Uniti presenta un paesaggio dolce ed accogliente, campagne e ranch mi accompagnano fino alla cittadina di Eureka. Da qui in poi inizia la vera sfida con il selvaggio, le foreste e i continui saliscendi.

As the United States approaches, the landscape gently flattens out, hills and livestock, ranch and small villages prevail. Roosville is the gateway to the United States: Montana welcomes you and is also the state where you travel the most kilometers. The entry into the United States presents a gentle and welcoming landscape, countryside and ranches accompany me to the town of Eureka. From here on the real challenge begins with the wild, the forests and the continuous ups and downs

See all 4 reports by Renato Frignani

Yellowston Park
Dal Canada al New Mexico lungo la Great Divide Mountain Bike Route
by Renato Frignani, tour started August 2018, submitted 8 April 2019
America: USA, Canada, USA
language: it

Inizia la pubblicazione di un Grande Ciclo-viaggio, mai raccontato come lo trovate scritto qui. Una splendida collaborazione con l?autore Renato Fignani vi porterà conoscere un sentiero famoso che solo i piùti di voi potranno percorrere, ma che tutti possono stupirsi leggendolo.

The publication of a Great Cycle-trip begins, never told how you find it written here. A wonderful collaboration with the author Renato Fignani will lead you to discover a famous path that only the strongest of you can follow, but that everyone can be amazed by reading

See all 4 reports by Renato Frignani

Cycling the Gaspé peninsula
by LL Goulet, tour started May 2016, submitted 5 July 2016
America: Canada

The Gaspésie is the peninsula just northeast of Quebec City. The landscape is varied, from the rugged northern shore to the gentler, verdant Matapédia valley. The tour began and ended in Rimouski and was 1002km(626miles) long.

See all 2 reports by LL Goulet

Cap-des-Rosiers lighthouse
Canadian Rockies
by gianni filippini, tour started July 2015, submitted 8 March 2016
America: Canada

A Brompton folding bike tour in the canadian Rockies

See all 3 reports by gianni filippini

The Long Road
by Erik Nomden, tour started May 2011, submitted 29 January 2016
language: en, nl

My big trip through North, Central and South America

Part I: Cycling through South America. In eight months I cycle from Quito (Ecuador) to Tierra del Fuego (Chile), crossing numerous mountain chains, deserts, tropical rain forests and the windswept plains of Patagonia.

Part II: Cycling through Central and North America. In seven months I cycle from Quito (Ecuador) to The Canadian Rockies, crossing Colombia, the Caribbean, Mexico and the deserts, mountains and canyons of the United States of America.

See all 19 reports by Erik Nomden

On the Carretera Austral in Chilean Patagonia
Tired of I.T!
by Dave Conroy, tour started 2009, submitted 30 December 2012

In 2009 after being fed up with my job I sold everything I owned and bought a bicycle setting forth for a round the world journey.

Leaving Bastrop Texas 07-05 2011
2009 Miles That Changed My Life
by Bridget Bailey, tour started June 2011, submitted 4 January 2012
America: Canada, USA

People deal with the plights of life differently. When something major happens, some become mentally paralyzed and others just go and do. I was getting to that point where I couldn't do anything, so I decided to do something that wouldn't let me hibernate-I biked the Pacific Coast by myself. Vancouver to Squamish to Bowen Island, back down through Vancouver to Washington, through the Islands, over the Olympic Penn., and then down the WA, OR, & CA coast.

2009 miles that changed my life forever

Biking on the beach along the Oregon Coast
Myrtle the Turtle Trike Tour
by Sylvia Halpern, tour started July 2007, submitted 1 September 2010

My plan is simple: ride as long as it is fun!

In July 2007 I closed the door behind me to start my first trike tour. I had no idea how far I would get and this tour took me from Canada to Guatemala. I had such a good time I continued on spending 9 months cycling New Zealand and Australia. In 2009 I cycled through Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

See all 2 reports by Sylvia Halpern

East by Northwest - 2008 solo cycle tour across North America
by Alex Grove, tour started March 2008, submitted 24 August 2010
America: Canada, USA

From mid-March until late October of 2008 I cycled some 13,000 kilometres (8100 miles) across North America. I started from Victoria, British Columbia, slowly making my way north by bike and ferry to Anchor Point, Alaska, the most westerly point in North America reachable by continuous road from elsewhere on the continent. From Anchor Point I headed more or less south east, but not in a straight line, taking my time to explore and to visit, letting the wind and my whim dictate my route, eventually arriving at Cape Spear, Newfoundland, the most easterly place in North America.

Montreal - New York City Tour
by Iris Mueck, tour started September 2009, submitted 7 August 2010
America: USA, Canada

I have heard so much about the beautiful Hwy 100 which mainly winds down Vermont. Starting at Montreal, which is worth more as a day. I remember, when mountains appeared at the skyline, and a Canadian bicyclist said: you will find hundreds of them, if you ride down to NYC. He was right...! NYC, a place for bicyclists. Car drivers are friendly - never closing a path gap. Police are friendly. If I would get a Dollar for crossing an intersection on red, I would be a millionaire...

The Central park: a huge bike way, which closes in a round 5 miles circle. Some bikers doing city races. Hard to follow. I have been staying for 10 days in NYC, did my daily exercise in crossing the city to the Hudson river bike path. Very recommended bicycle path. Starting at the Statue of Liberty, ending at the Harlem river mouth. Good luck to all the followers!

See all 119 reports by Iris Mueck

bike path on time square
Fahrrad Tour Rocky Mountains Kanada
by camino10, submitted 1 July 2010
America: Canada
language: de

Fahrrad Tour von Calgary aus in die Rocky Mountains von Kanada, durch die Nationalparks Banff und Jasper in Alberta, Hiking auf dem Berg Lake Trail beim Mount Robson und schlussendlich wieder mit dem Fahrrad über Kamloops und Whistler nach Vancouver in British Columbia.

See all 10 reports by camino10

Daves Travel Pages
by Dave, tour started 2010, submitted 17 April 2010

My name is Dave Briggs, and I am an Adventure Cyclist from England. My current cycling trip, is to cycle the Pan-American route from the very north of Alaska to the south of Argentina. I began my journey in July 2009, and am estimating that I will finish sometime in October 2010.

My route has taken me past sights of natural beauty, over rough tracks, near mayan ruins, and enabled me to meet hundreds of friendly people.

This is not my first trip, however. I have also cycled from England to South Africa, details of which are also at my site, which covers nearly 15 years of travel around the world.

Put the kettle on, make a nice cup of tea, sit down, and enjoy !!

Photo take at the Arctic Circle
Our cycling trip across the Icefield Parkway from Jasper to Banff
by Fernando Candido, tour started August 2006, submitted 1 March 2010
America: Canada

This is the story of our trip in Bicycle between the towns of Jasper and Banff in Canada.

See all 5 reports by Fernando Candido

Beautiful Jasper National Park
Biking the Rockies to the Okanagan Valley
by Fernando Candido, tour started August 1999, submitted 23 February 2010
America: Canada

This is the story of my trip from Field in British Columbia, Canada through Rogers Pass all the way to the sunny Okanagan Valley.

See all 5 reports by Fernando Candido

Rogers Pass in British Columbia
Biking from Whitehorse to Inuvik - A Canadian Arctic Journey
by Fernando Candido, tour started June 2002, submitted 8 February 2010
America: Canada

This a description of my cycling trip across the Yukon and the Northwest Territories via the Dempster Highway a 1400km long journey.

See all 5 reports by Fernando Candido

The spectacular Dempster Highway
A Bicycle Trip to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island July 2003
by Susanne and Ole Jacobi, tour started 2003, submitted 25 November 2009
America: Canada

For the last many summers, we have visited the islands of the Eastern Atlantic seabord: Lofoten in Norway, the Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland in Scotland, Ireland, Wales which is not an island, but might as well be one, and Gotland in Sweden which is an island, but in the Baltic, not in the Atlantic. The time had now come, we thought, to cross the Atlantic and see what it looks like on the other side. As islands seem to be our preferred locations, we chose Prince Edward Island (PEI in the local vocabulary) in Canada which has the advantage of being fairly small and not too hilly.

See all 2 reports by Susanne and Ole Jacobi

Canada to Mexico Cycle
by Dan Hargrave, tour started September 2009, submitted 13 October 2009
America: USA, Canada, USA, Mexico

A three week solo and unsupported ride from Vancouver, Canada to Tijuana, Mexico. I followed the Pacific Coast most of the way south using the American Cycling Association maps.

See all 2 reports by Dan Hargrave

Pedaling South from Alaska to Argentina
by Lucie and Torrey, tour started September 2009, submitted 26 August 2009
language: en, fr

We're cycling 25 000 km across the Americas from Alaska to Argentina to raise funds for Cyclo Nord Sud, a non-profit that sends used bicycles to developing countries. As ambassadors for this organization, we will meet with Cyclo Nord Sud's Latin American partners and hopefully create contacts with new ones along the way.

We're a francophone/anglophone couple from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We're each adding original content in our respective languages, so our blog is a 2 for 1. Enjoy!

Nous traversons les Amériques dans un voyage autonome de 25000km en vélo, de l'Alaska à l'Argentine afin de ramasser des fonds pour Cyclo Nord-Sud, une organisation à but non-lucrative qui envoie des vélos usagés dans les pays en voie de développement. En tant qu'ambassadeur, nous visiterons leurs partenaires en Amérique latine et créerons de nouveaux contacts.

Across North America on a Yellow submarine
by Igor Kovse, tour started July 2009, submitted 18 August 2009
America: Canada, USA

The lack of traffic brings wildlife closer to the road. He sees two cranes, some kind of partridge with a crest on its head, a fox and a strange black creature the size of a big cat with long fat tail (a wolverine maybe?). There is also a bird who sings refrain 'We all live in a yellow submarine'. This becomes a hit for the rest of the tour, especially the beginning 'In the toooown, where I was boooorn, lived a maaaaan, who sailed the seeeeeas', as this is all Mr. Iik can remember from the song.

See all 18 reports by Igor Kovse

In the Canadian praries.
My pedalled globe tour (part 1): Las Americas
by Christian Bomio, tour started May 2007, submitted 24 July 2009

In May 2007 I've started a round-the-world bicycle tour. This is the first part of this journey which began in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska going south through Canada, USA, Mexico and Central America. After one year my wheels were in Colombia to begin riding around South America (Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina) in order to reached Ushuaia at the end of the world in Tierra del Fuego by end of 2009.

In Bolivia following the railway line sometimes is better then the dirt roads.
Summer cycling from Hungary to Morocco and across Canada
by Alfred Maleczki, tour started 2006, submitted 28 March 2009
language: hu

A lonely Hungarian cyclist who has the Summers free and likes to make new advantures on his bike.

Started with his short Croatian tours, but made it always longer, and in 2005 didn't stop before the 2700th kilometer in Greece. In the following year he decided to start the real adventure, to cycle out of Europe.

2007 was the year of cycling across Canada, the headwindy way - of course :) After this 9000km trip now he is in the planning stage of the South-American tour for 2009.

Atlas mountains, Morocco
From Oregon to the Yukon
by Benjamin Heumann, tour started 2007, submitted 11 March 2009
America: USA, Canada

Two months of cycling from Portland, OR to Whitehorse, Yukon in four segments. 1) Solo- Portland, OR to Seattle WA via the Pacific Coast. 2) Solo- Victoria, BC to Cortes Islands, BC to Vancouver, BC. 3) with Nick C. and Stacy: Vancouver, BC to Port Hardy, BC via the Sunshine Coast. 4) with Nick P. Prince Rupert, BC to Whitehorse, Yukon via the Cassiar Highway.

The first three segments were very civilized with camping in state/provincial parks and beautiful summer weather (except the occasional rain storm). The final segment was 12 days of intense cycling (100+km per day), rustic camping, many, many bears, but some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever cycled.

Website has journal entries, pictures, and maps.

Canada C2C 2008 - Biking Canada Coast 2 Coast
by Mary Sanseverino, tour started May 2008, submitted 3 March 2009
America: Canada

In the spring and summer of 2008 my husband Mike and I cycled 9450 km across Canada from Victoria BC to St. John's NL. We were joined for almost all of this trip by our friend and long time cycling companion Mark.

I took a small computer and we were able to keep a blog for the entire trip. Our website is full of stories, detailed maps, pictures, and links. I hope you find it interesting.

All in all, we had a fantastic trip through a country full of stunning landscapes and wonderful, warm, welcoming people. A ride across Canada is truly one of the world's great bicycle adventures. I highly recommended it!

Mary on the Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia, Canada
Americas and Europe with a mandolin
by mandolpierre, tour started 2008, submitted 11 February 2009
language: en, fr, es

recorri todo Argentina y Chile, y mucho del alrededor, 30.000km. escribi una guia en espanol, con el estado de las rutas y el paisaje, y km. proximo viaje Bolivia.

tambien puse fotos y lazos j'ai parcouru aussi l'Est du Canada, 6.000 km et la Belgique 1.300km et j'ai ecrit un guide en francais pour parcourir ces 2 pays en velo.

il y aussi les fotos et des liens.

Velotraum, Ruth's und Horst's Radabenteuer von Inuvik nach Ushuaia
by Ruth und Horst Hammerschmidt, tour started June 2005, submitted 22 January 2009
language: de

Ruth und ich (Horst) fuhren mit dem Fahrrad von Inuvik, nördlichster im Sommer anzufahrender Punkt in Nordwestkanada bis zum südlichsten anzufahrenden Punkt im argentinischen Feuerland, Ushuaia. Wir waren 22 Monate unterwegs, legten 29'100 Kilometer mit dem Rad zurück, fuhren 280'000 Meter in die Höhe, obwohl wir durchschnittlich genau nur jeden 2. Tag im Sattel sassen. Das nur für die Statistiker, Weiteres auf unserer Website.

Great Divide Mountain Bike Route
by Nicolas de Hemptinne, tour started July 2008, submitted 7 January 2009
America: USA, Canada
language: fr

A trip from Calgary to Denver.

This summer I had the chance to ride a (big) part of the `Great Divide Mountain Bike Route'. An itinerary suggested by Adventure Cycling Association (Sections 1, 2 and 3).

This road goes to the United States from the North to the South follows the Continental Divide and takes more than 80% of gravel and dirt road.

See all 5 reports by Nicolas de Hemptinne

Bike and Build NUS 2009
by Ally Katch, tour started June 2009, submitted 23 December 2008
America: USA, Canada

My name is Ally Katch, and in the summer of 2009 I will ride 4000 miles across North America to raise money and awareness for affordable housing. I, along with 33 other men and women, will need to raise $4000 for the affordable housing cause. Then, in June, we will set off from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA for the summer of a lifetime with an organization called Bike and Build.

Over the course of about 10 weeks, we will bicycle 4000 miles and spend several days at affordable housing build sites with such organizations as Habitat for Humanity to help construct housing for people in need. You can learn more about my ride at my website, , or you can track our progress (starting 18 June, 2009) on my blog at .

34 men and women riding east to west, leaving a trail of construction in their wake...
Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula by Bicycle
by Jeffrey Button, tour started August 2008, submitted 5 November 2008
America: Canada

A complete circuit of Newfoundland's beautiful Avalon Peninsula. Six days and 778 kilometers through rain, drizzle, fog, thunder, lightening and even some sunshine. With maps and elevation graphs.

Near Angel's Cove on the Cape Shore, just before Cape St. Mary's Bird Sanctuary
Touring the world with Warren Music and Baba Spokie.
by Warren Music, tour started 2008, submitted 25 June 2008

Come see the adventures of Warren Music and Baba Spokie. Our website shows tours we have done in Asia and North / Central America. on bicycle. We have commentary, gear/kit analysis and recommendations and everything a bicycle tourist would like to read about.

Buffalo and Yaks everywhere in the streets of Manali
Cycling from Argentina to Alaska
by Kelly and Dave, tour started November 2008, submitted 6 April 2008

Two Poole based intrepid travellers are setting off on a journey of a lifetime to raise funds for a local charity, Julia's House and the international charity, SOS Children's Villages.

Kelly and Dave will be starting in Ushuaia, at the Southern tip of Argentina in South America and will cycle to Alaska, the extreme northwest portion of the North American continent.

They anticipate that they will be on the road for up to 2 years, facing extreme weather conditions and the challenging terrain that the American continent has to offer. They plan to cycle the world's driest desert and the high altitude mountain regions of the Andes.

By doing the trip by bicycle they are hoping it will bring them closer to the environment and learn about the ever changing world that we live in and aim to leave minimal impact upon the environment.

Journals of a few modest bike tours in the Western US and Canada
by Peter Hoffman, tour started January 2007, submitted 4 December 2007
America: USA, Canada

I live in Berkeley, California and my friend John lives in Los Angeles. Since 2003 we've been getting together each year to do a modest 7-12 day bike tour. Our criteria include, if possible, light traffic, beautiful scenery, reasonable odds for good weather, and no more than 80 miles between indoor accommodations (so we don't have to lug camping gear). The journals of other bike tourists have been so helpful in planning these trips I thought I should share ours as well. As of 2007 we've ridden on the Oregon Coast, the Central Oregon High Desert, Wyoming (Yellowstone NP, Teton NP, Wind River Valley), Sunshine Coast of British Columbia and Vancouver Island, and Southwest Utah (Zion, Bryce & Capitol Reef NP).

Chilly morning in Yellowstone National Park
1 fille, 2 roues, 3 amériques... (1 girl, 2 weels, 3 Americas...)
by Martine Hubert, tour started July 2007, submitted 13 August 2007
language: fr

De l'Alaska à la Terre de Feu, vous invite à suivre le périple extraordinaire de Martine Hubert: la traversée à vélo, en solo, des 3 Amériques.

Martine, Canada (Alaska)
Bicycle Tour 2k6
by Ira Cox & Andrea Newberry, tour started May 2006, submitted 11 May 2007
America: USA, Canada

We are two cyclist from Chicago who have taken a year off to ride a large part of the U.S. perimeter and some of coastal Canada. We have only a rough plan of where we are headed at any time, and spend nearly every night camping or with people we meet along the way. Our only goal is to see interesting parts of North America and meet the people who live there, so you will notice our journal is less about riding than the places we've been.

Le Vent dans le Dos
by Josephine, Loïc and Faustine, tour started April 2005, submitted 28 March 2007
America: Canada
language: fr

From Vancouver to Montréal

Biking around the world
by Andrew & Friedel, tour started September 2006, submitted 12 March 2007

We're Andrew & Friedel Grant - two Canadians who, after living in the UK for 6 years, have set off to travel the world by bicycle. We had no previous bike touring experience when we began, having really only gotten into cycling at the start of 2006, and when we say we ``got into cycling'' that means short commutes to work along flat cycle paths and the odd day trip, that usually ended up at the pub. We're still not quite certain how that translated into the situation where Friedel said ``hey, let's bike around the world'' and Andrew said ``sure, why not''. The first leg of our tour was in Canada, then through Europe to Morocco. We will keep cycling around the world; hopefully next towards eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Climbing mountains in Morocco
Banff, Canada to Montana, USA - Back Country with Lodging
by Gene Nacey, tour started September 2005, submitted 25 February 2007
America: Canada, Canada, USA

This trip had riders and non riders alike. This might be the most beautiful experience in Canada that any American can have. Even the cabin in the woods (which outside of no electricity and running water, was phenomenal - see pics from day 3) was impressive. Non riders could hike in and out to this location, or spend 2 nights in Elkford. Only the motel in Elkford was modest - even though it also had high speed internet. The remaining accommodations would all be rated 3 or 4 stars, yet were very modestly priced. While food selections were limited in some locations, the food was outstanding in others. All in all, I would not be afraid to take even the most seasoned traveler on this trip.

There is a button that details each day of our trip. Lots of pictures, my diary of what happened each day, and I've posted both the original itinerary as well as the packing list (which turned out to be just right). The map we used was from the Adventure Cycling Association, and it was right on! It only lacked good information about climbing. I've added that myself as I uploaded it from my GPS.

See all 3 reports by Gene Nacey

Banff, Alberta, Canada - The first view as we started the trip
Spinning Southward - Alaska to Argentina for Brain Tumor Research
by Mike Logsdon, tour started July 2005, submitted 16 November 2006

In 2002, my brother Mike and I began to talk about an epic, tip to tail, bicycle trip spanning the length of the Americas. At the time, however, our geographic separation and respective professional endeavors would force us to shelve our dream ride and hope for more accommodating circumstances. Two years later, that opportunity presented itself in the fall of 2004 when our lives converged in the mountains of Colorado. Over the course of our stay in Colorado, my brother and I began laying the groundwork for a bicycle trip that would take us from the far northern shores of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina, the southern most city in the world. On July 26, 2005, having cleared all financial and logistical hurdles, we will start pedaling on the long road south.

The motivation for our trip is a reflection of our life-long ambitions - to explore new places, to make meaningful connections with other people and cultures, and to test the boundaries of our physical endurance and mental resolve. These ambitions are inspired by the enduring spirit of our late mother, Jean, herself an accomplished world traveler who always supported and encouraged our explorations of the world. We dedicate this trip to her memory.

In 1996, our mother Jean was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor that took her life in the winter of the same year. To honor our mother's lasting legacy and help those confronting the same illness that eventually took her life, Spinning Southward has partnered with Racing Ahead®, a program created by the National Brain Tumor Foundation that celebrates the passion of cyclists, runners and other athletes. NBTF is a non-profit organization dedicated to innovative brain tumor research and patient care. We are committed to raising both financial support and awareness for the NBTF through our nine-month, 15,000-mile ride across 13 countries. We hope that our ride will inspire you to join us in support of this worthy cause through a contribution to Jean's Journey.

Heading for Patagonia along the road through La Pampa

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