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Holland (all)

This page lists all reports that for Holland including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Holland.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
by George Christensen, submitted 10 June 2024

George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991.

He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here.

He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015.

Along the Rhine from Switzerland to the North Sea
by José Rössner, tour started September 2015, submitted 28 October 2015
language: en, de, nl

Cycling along the Rhine. September 2015. From Bremgarten CH. to the North Sea in Katwijk aan Zee, Holland.

See all 29 reports by José Rössner

Here, in Katwijk aan zee, flows the Oude Rijn into the North Sea.
by Michael Simmons, tour started June 2008, submitted 13 December 2013

I always dreamed of bicycling through Europe and climbing as many of the famous climbs of the Tour de France and Giro Italia as possible. My tour ended up being for almost 10 weeks, 3020 miles/4860 kilometers, and I pedaled through 10 countries. I loved the entire tour but 2 aspects stand out: 1)France stands out for my favorite cycling, for the amazing secondary road system and because I got to climb, the Tourmalet, Aubisque, Peyresourde, Aspin, Mont Ventoux, Alpe D'Huez, Lauteret; and 2) I visited the home villages of three of my grandparents in Slovenia and Croatia. Crossing Italy I opted for the Italian Riviera and Tuscany, but later wished I had pedaled across the Lakes Region and the Dolomites. And because of factors out of my control I had to cut my trip short so I skipped my plans of zig zagging across Switzerland. Enjoy my journal and the pictures.

Celebrating Arrival To Slovenia
A journey from the Netherlands to Nepal
by Martin and Susanne, tour started February 2014, submitted 22 November 2013

We are embarking on a wonderful journey in February 2014. We will go through the most beautiful countries and meet the most joyful people. Follow us and share your ideas with us.

This is us on our way to the pyrenees, this was in the summer 2013 as a pre journey.
Amsterdam - München
by Janos Kertesz, tour started July 2012, submitted 16 September 2012
Europe: Holland, Germany
language: de

Wir sind mit dem Zug nach Amsterdam gefahren, und von dort durch Den Haag, Uttrecht, Münster, und Kassel zurück nach München geradelt

See all 18 reports by Janos Kertesz

The Amsterdam-Munich Express
by Suzanne Gibson, tour started July 2012, submitted 20 August 2012
Europe: Holland, Germany

This year's summer tour started in Amsterdam. After visiting Haarlem und then Leiden, we continued on to Den Haag, Utrecht and Arnhem. We visited the Veluwe National Park, crossed the border at Bocholt and rode on to Münster and then Kassel for this year's Documenta. We then followed the Fulda, Sinn , Main and Altmühl river valleys - all separated by hills that had to be crossed. When we reached the Danube, we felt we were almost home and it was smooth sailing to Munich.

See all 25 reports by Suzanne Gibson

Greedy Euro Bike Tour
by Marco Bacchin , tour started 2012, submitted 9 March 2012
language: en, it

Da lì a là is an Italian expression meaning roughly hither and thither, and this summarize my will, my restless temper of changing place every so often. I'm biking around Europe stopping from time to time when my attention is captured by an outstanding recipe a traditional food or a weird one. Pedalling alone is just fine, but together with other cyclists, especially from the country I'll be riding at the moment is just fantastic: less fatigue, more fun. You can get a look at the Euro-Tour map to get a gist of what'll be the route I'll follow in this year. If you're biking in the some zone, or nearby or you're going to start something similar and you'll like to have a ride together, let me know. Get in touch! Sys

8900 km solo, self-supported bicycling trip in western Europe in 2011
by Bart, tour started 2011, submitted 25 December 2011
The bike
Tour de Scandinavia
by Walter Hoogerbeets, tour started August 2010, submitted 5 November 2011
language: en, nl

At the border between Norway and Russia is a hamlet called Grense Jakobselv. In the late summer and early autumn of 2010 I rode to this place, and back again. All around the Scandinavian Peninsula, in some 6 1/2 weeks.

See all 2 reports by Walter Hoogerbeets

Along the coast of the Finnmark.
A bicycle-tour through Holland
by José Rössner, tour started August 2011, submitted 10 October 2011
Europe: Holland
language: en, de, nl

This year we do a tour through the Netherlands. We use a new system that has great popularity in the Netherlands called; the Knooppuntensystem. (Connection system for cyclists)
Target: Cycling as much as possible through the countryside, on asphalt and dirt roads, far away from motorized traffic.

See all 29 reports by José Rössner

At turn-offs are guide numbers
Biking with Ben and Beth: Tulips, Windmills and Van Gogh
by Ben Elderd, tour started May 2010, submitted 3 September 2011
Europe: Holland, Belgium

It's funny how decisions are made. It was a gray, cold February afternoon. We had just picked up the mail and among the plethora of catalogs, one caught our eye. It was a gardening catalog and on the cover were brightly colored tulips in full bloom. Looking at the colors, in contrast to the dreary day, we thought, ''Why don't we go see the real thing?''

So we Googled cycling options in the Netherlands and the photos of the tulips and windmills were prettier than anything in the catalog. More research indicated that the best time to take advantage of the tulips would be mid-March to mid-May, the only time the Keukenhoff Gardens are open. Also, the second Saturday in May is National Windmill day when all of the Netherland's windmills are open to the public.

Tulips, windmills, 7,000 kilometers of cycling routes, Vermeer and Van Gogh, plus cheese, beer and chocolates - we were off to the Netherlands.

Keukenhoff Gardens (47,000 acres containing 8 million tulips)
Baarn naar Praag
by Familie de Ruijter, tour started July 2011, submitted 26 June 2011
language: nl

Dutch Family with 2 kids 9 and 7 years old are going to cycle from Baarn to Prague. The journey starts 16 july.

Family on the Pino
From Amsterdam to Brugges
by Augusto Lemos, tour started August 2008, submitted 15 May 2011
Europe: Holland, Belgium
language: pt

From Amsterdam to Brugges
Under the sea level, by bicycle

This was a travel I made in 2008, from Amsterdam to Brugges. This trip was perfect to understand how Holland manages space to give priority for bicycles. We also could count the windmills that were appearing on the way, and fell small near the huge dykes. And, finally, we felt (on the legs) that Holland is really flat.

See all 3 reports by Augusto Lemos

Around the Pond: 5000km on the North Sea Cycle Route on a Recumbent
by Thomas Stets, tour started June 2008, submitted 11 January 2011

In 2008 I spend 3 months cycling the North Sea Cycle Route on a recumbent bike through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and the Netherlands.

This is a day-by-day travelogue, with zoomable maps.

North Sea Cycle Route sign in Denmark
Two month across West Europe on recumbent bikes
by Carsten, tour started June 2010, submitted 4 January 2011
language: de, en, fr, it, es

We are two guys from Germany, who travelled across West Europe for two months.

With our Performer High Racers, we came through nine European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherland) and crossed both the Pyrenees and the Alps two times each. After 9000 km we finished our tour in August and now we have completed our web page with detailed information for each stage and thousands of photos.

The page is in German but offers a integrated translation service.

Somewhere in Spain
Loop through D, NL, B & L (including Moselradweg and Rheinradweg)
by Ant, tour started August 2009, submitted 16 November 2010

This 1,210 Km (756 mi) tour took us along the Mosel and Rhine rivers into the Netherlands, proceeding then to Belgium and Luxembourg. I had prepared the route with the aid of official GPS tracks of the cycling paths that we wanted to follow. Without the hand-held type GPS, the journey would have required the use of a consistent number of maps resulting in countless wasted time for continuous consultation. Despite the cycling paths are generally signposted they are not present at every turn. At times we found that some were even pointing to the wrong direction - maybe some prankster had fun with them.

The tracklog of our entire tour has been recorded and it's available for download. To spare the hassle of changing and recharging batteries continuously, my GPS unit was powered by a small solar station placed atop the handlebar bag. Precious and amazing satellite technology that sadly turns paper maps into romantic memories, it's a luxury I came to love quite quickly.

See all 6 reports by Ant

The Lonely Cyclist in the Pyrenees
by Erik Nomden, tour started July 2010, submitted 15 November 2010
language: en, nl

From my home in Holland I have cycled over the Normandy Coast, the Loire Valley and the Auvergne and Cantal regions to Spain for a double coast to coast ride through the Pyrenees. First from east to west through the Spanish Pyrenees. Then from west to east through the French Pyrenees. This journey includes all the famous cols from the Tour de France but also some nice unpaved cycling routes in the Pyrenees.

See all 19 reports by Erik Nomden

Vall de Boi, Spanish Pyrenees
A bike tour through the Netherlands
by José Rössner, tour started July 2010, submitted 7 September 2010
Europe: Holland
language: en, de, nl

From 05th. to 20th. July 2010 we cycled through the Netherlands.

We had exceptionally good weather. (25 ºC to 39 ºC) On day 8 a violent thunderstorm, which doesn't occur every year, forced us to search for a shelter half an hour. Even fire brigade, Police and ambulance were mobilized. Trees were uprooted and in the neighbouring village, caravans were literally whirled through the air and landed in a pond.

See all 29 reports by José Rössner

Baarn - Barcelona with 2 kids
by Family de Ruijter, tour started August 2010, submitted 31 August 2010
language: en, nl

Dutch family cycling on a Hase Pino tandem from Baarn - Barcelona. The kids are 6 and 8 years old.

London to Amsterdam
by Andrew Cornwell, tour started August 2006, submitted 9 July 2010
Europe: UK, Holland

A gentle four day ride from London to Amsterdam. First leg through the pretty villages of Essex and Suffolk to Harwich, followed by three days on the North Sea cycle route visiting Den Haag, Noordwijk and Haarlem.

See all 4 reports by Andrew Cornwell

Fahrrad Nord Europa Tour: Schweiz - Frankreich - Luxemburg - Belgien - Holland
by camino10, submitted 1 July 2010
language: de

Eine Fahrrad Tour zu den Haupstädten von Europa: Strassburg, Luxemburg und Brüssel. Als Höhepunkte galten die Route des Cretes, eine faszinierende Hochstrasse durch das Elsass in Frankreich; die Route du Vin, die Weinstrasse mitten durch das weitläufige Weinanbaugebiet im Elsass und die vielen Burgen und Schlösser wie Haut Koenigsburg, Beaufort und Vianden in Luxemburg und schlussendlich die Bergregion Ardennen und die Nordseeküste in Belgien.

See all 10 reports by camino10

A four month tour of mainland Europe by tandem
by Chris, tour started April 2010, submitted 1 May 2010

A four month cycle tour by tandem, starting April 2010. The plan, if you can call it that, is to have a good time, eat lots of food and visit some eco projects along the way. We also want to cover some miles in a clean, responsible, but ultimately enjoyable, cheap and stress-free manner. What better vehicle than the bicycle could we use to achieve this?

To me, the bike is the ultimate in human transport. Someone said that human progress should have stopped after the bicycle was invented. In my opinion, it did stop. The rest has been downhill. (I know that's not true, but I thought it sounded good.)

Anyway, this is the blog of our trip. We hope you enjoy the blog and we hope we enjoy the trip. That way, we're all happy.

See all 3 reports by Chris

On tandem on the Avenue Verte, France
Bike Journeys
by George & Monique, submitted 15 February 2010

For me this is the fifth year of touring and the fourth for my wife. Our site is about the cycle tours we've made through Europe. We've cycled trough nine countries so far (some several times) and hope to visit the rest in the years to come. Enjoy!

On the river Maas in Belgium
Originally round-the-world but now much more interesting
by Tom Allen, tour started June 2007, submitted 22 January 2010

This is my travel blog of several years on the road. It started life as a round-the-world trip, but before long I realised that A-to-B cycling isn't as interesting as getting off the beaten track and really exploring a place. So since I left home I've had as much time off the bike as on it, earnt more than I've spent, learnt a new language, met an amazing girl and got married to her! Eager to travel by bike as a couple, we're currently seeing where this new dimension takes us.

I prefer to write about the way the trip affects me psychologically and about the cultural, political and historical curiousities I encounter. It's an uncomfortably personal story at times, but I think it's more interesting than reading pages of distance measurements, road conditions and visa hassles.

My creative outlet comes through photography and video which I also share on the site - I carry 6kg of camera equipment and don't regret it for a second!

Sleeping under the Saharan stars
Pays-Bas Bicyclette 2009
by Jej, tour started September 2009, submitted 19 January 2010
language: fr

D'abord ce fut une vague idée,
Partir à Véloland,
Ensuite un voyage,
Au rythme de mes errances...

Voici les photos et une vidéo de ce joli voyage.

Happy to be there!
To France the Long Way - via Berlin, Grongingen (NL), Bruges (B)...
by Suzanne Gibson, tour started June 2009, submitted 16 January 2010

The shortest way to France from Munich would be about 300 kilometers. We reached the French border after pedaling 2,300 kilometers. On a round-about route we cycled north to Berlin, west to Hamburg and Groningen in the Netherlands and south as far as Rouen in France. By then we had had enough headwinds and rain. Our Bike Fridays, folding bikes, made it possible to continue by train to southern France and finally back to Munich two months later.

See all 25 reports by Suzanne Gibson

We cross the Havel on the historic Glienicke Bridge which links Berlin and Potsdam.
Dunkerque to Aachen - crossing Belgium and Holland en route to Germany
by Chris, tour started March 2008, submitted 23 December 2009

February is always grim in England and I always dream that March will be better. The days are longer, the bulbs have come through and spring days are on their way. So we decided that March was the perfect time for the first tour of the year - in 9 days we'd cycle from Dunkerque to Germany, north through Belgium and across Holland via the polders.

This is what happened....

See all 3 reports by Chris

The Belgian sand dunes at sunset
Europe on two wheels - From Holland to Sicily and back
by Erik Nomden, tour started July 2009, submitted 12 December 2009
language: en, nl

For the tenth year in a row I am doing a medium to large cycling trip. This time I will be staying in Europe. The idea is to cycle through Germany and Austria to southern Italy and Sicily and to cycle back home over Sardinia, Corsica, France and Belgium. An overall estimate shows me that it will be around six thousand to seven thousand kilometers to fully realise the plan.

See all 19 reports by Erik Nomden

The West Coast of Corsica
To the North Cape
by Walter Hoogerbeets, tour started May 2009, submitted 2 December 2009
language: en, nl

There was a moment when an idea popped up in my head: I should go to the North Cape. Or actually, I acquired the strong inner conviction that I had to go to the North Cape. I could hardly think of something else.

So in spring of 2009 I left my house in Holland, followed the coasts of North sea, Wadden sea and Norwegian sea until that magical northernmost point.

4625 km through amazing landscapes with extreme variation: from the flat countries where it is sometimes hard to tell where land ends and sea begins, to the fjords where granite rises vertically out of the water.

See all 2 reports by Walter Hoogerbeets

Climbing out of Valldalen to Trollstigen
Europe en vélo
by Benoit Bergeron, tour started 2009, submitted 19 November 2009
language: fr

J'ai fait le tour de l'Europe à vélo en solo durant l'été 2009. J'ai parcouru 12 000km à travers 11 pays. J'ai vécu une expérience magnifique! Venez lire mon blog!

Passau, Germany
la mia olanda
by Fernando Da Re, tour started May 2006, submitted 24 September 2009
Europe: Holland
language: it

Organizzare un viaggio in bici in Olanda predispone a perdere la testa nel confrontare 260 itinerari per 15.000 km. - avete letto bene - tanti sono quelli proposti che vengono inviati su richiesta dall'ente turismo olandese.

Gli itinerari corrono tutti su vere e proprie piste preferenziali ciclabili a tutti gli effetti. Queste sono ovunque: nelle città nelle periferie, nei villaggi, nelle campagne. Dove c'è una strada, ai suoi lati esiste una corsia preferenziale per il traffico in bicicletta. Le biciclette sono migliaia. Le piste come tavole di biliardo.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

campi fioriti in olanda
Travel By Bike - Fietsen over Europa's mooiste wegen
by Koen Beliën, submitted 14 September 2009
language: nl

Travel By Bike is a website about a group of enthusiastic bikers with more than 10 years of travel experience. From Belgium through The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. Do not forget look at to the page 'pregnant on bike', reading our travel stories and watching the beautiful pictures!

See all 3 reports by Koen Beliën

Logo Travel By Bike
Our Cycling Trip from Den Haag to Amsterdam, Holland (1992)
by Fernando Candido, submitted 24 February 2009
Europe: Holland

This the story of our cycling trip from Den Haag to Amsterdam via the Noordzee route. We camped along the route. We also visited Amsterdam. Many pictures are included.

See all 5 reports by Fernando Candido

North-Cape to Zurich
by José Rössner, tour started June 2008, submitted 15 October 2008
language: en, de, nl

From June 16 to August 1 2008, I cycled from Alta to the North-Cape, there I started a 7-week trip through Finland Sweden Denmark Germany Netherlands Belgium and France back to Switzerland.

See all 29 reports by José Rössner

fortunately, these aren't bulls
Project VELAIA - A VELosophers epic journey around gAIA
by Daniel N. Lang, tour started 2007, submitted 6 September 2008
language: en, de

This is the website and travelogue of The Project VELAIA. 22 year old velosopher, environmentalist and often minimalistic outdoor adventurer Daniel N. Lang has decided to go around the world by recumbent and upright bicycle after finishing an epic journey of more than 17.000km from Paris to Beijing as a rider of the Beijing to Paris 2007 Carfree Rallye, following coastlines for hundreds of kilometers, crossing deserts during mid summer in the Middle East, Central Asia and China and climbing some of the highest passes of the world under extreme conditions in the starting Tibetan winter.

After Eurasia he cycled Australia, New Zealand and the United States and is now on a tour through the South American Andes, starting in Caracas, Venezuela and cycling his way down to Chile at the time of writing this (beginning of September 2008).

See all 2 reports by Daniel N. Lang

Cycling on a StreetMachine GT recumbent on 4500m in Tibet
Our trips around Europe by bike and tips and tricks for cycletouring and everyday cycling
by Álvaro Martín and Alicia Urrea, tour started 2008, submitted 26 May 2008
language: es

Rodadas es un manual para aquellos que quieran iniciarse en el cicloturismo. En esta página encontrarás información sobre cómo elegir tu material, trucos para solucionar algunas de las situaciones con las que se enfrentan habitualmente los cicloviajeros e información sobre iniciativas cicloturistas en España y allende de los mares.

Además, te contamos nuestros viajes a través de Europa (en junio-octubre 2005), Escocia (2003) y Holanda (2002).

Teruel, Spain
A family cycling trip in Netherlands
by Daniela Ulicna, tour started August 2007, submitted 30 March 2008
Europe: Holland

We have done this cycling tour in the Netherlands with our parents and it was the perfect destination for such family trip. We have combine bike and car and covere the most of the Netherlands in one week.

See all 3 reports by Daniela Ulicna

A trip around Patagonia from Ushuaia, Torres Del Paine, Lago Del Desierto and Careterra Austral
by George brown, tour started 2007, submitted 20 December 2007

Here is a trip that takes me to places I have dreamed about for 35 years. Mountains, Glaciers, Volcanoes and Easter Island.

Now includes my 2007 tour of Australia.

The Sendero at Lago Del Desierto Chile to Argentina crossing
So just how interesting can grass verges get?
by Stan Williams, tour started May 2007, submitted 16 December 2007
Europe: Holland

A three day trip through the loveliest middle bits of the Netherlands on recumbent trikes.

Ten minutes on KMX trikes at the Bikemotion Benelux Fair in Autumn 2006 convinced us that recumbent trikes were actually very cool. A few months later at another fair in Essen in Germany, we were able to try out an ICE Trice and a HP Velotechnik Scorpion. They were cool too!

We did, however, realise that there was a big difference between ten minute sessions in a crowded exhibition hall and using these HPV's on a daily basis. So, when Damae found a shop that hired out trikes, we picked a three day weekend in late May of 2007 and headed off towards the 'Hoge Veluwe' on a Trice and a Scorpion.

So how did it go and what have we learned? Well there are lots of thoughts and impressions in the travelogue of the trip together with videos and pictures. There is also a short comparative review of the Trice and Scorpion which draws our thoughts together. Last but not least, some conclusions and our recommendations. Do still think they are cool? Of course we do!

See all 8 reports by Stan Williams

Damae, cycling through the centre of Amersfoort on the Trice.
Easter 2007: Four friends, four bikes and four provinces. From Hoek van Holland to Delfzijl in four days.
by Stan Williams, tour started April 2007, submitted 23 November 2007
Europe: Holland

We decided to do the Dutch NSCR from Hoek van Holland to Delfzijl in the Easter break just for fun. The North Sea Cycle website suggested it was only 320km, ``No problem'' we thought. However by the end of the third day we had passed that total and we still had some way to go. Fortunately we had good luck with the weather and managed to complete the tour. There was even time to drink coffee and eat lots of 'appelgebak' along the way.

The travelogue includes the story of each day's cycle, with pictures and trip statistics and a gallery. An Epilogue provides a summary of our long weekend and the NSCR in Holland. There is also extra report covering the remainder of the route, from Nieuweschans to Delfzijl, cycled on Bromptons one sunny day in September 2007.

The NSCR in the Netherlands is not only a good introduction to what the country has to offer as a cycling holiday destination, but also a great place to start your own North Sea Cycle Saga. We certainly enjoyed ourselves.

See all 8 reports by Stan Williams

Cycling on the outside of the sea dyke north of Camperduin

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