This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

Contents: Tours (13)   

Georgia (all)

This page lists all reports that for Georgia including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Georgia.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Erzurum to Yerevan
by Igor Kovse, tour started July 2016, submitted 30 December 2016
Europe: Turkey, Georgia, Armenia

Once in a lifetime everyone returns to the basics. For example, by asking oneself how it all began? The Big Bang theory says it all started from the singularity and in less than a second everything we know today was created, including such complex organisms as, e.g. the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. Some people however doubt about it and, missing probably the spiritual component of the problem, resort to the age-old interpretation of the Bible. There the creator fixed everything in six days. But - surprise, surprise - just a few centuries later, the creator changes his mind and sends the Flood over his creation. They say that to err is human, but it is not really fitting for the creator. The thing was ripe for a thorough investigation, so I went along the path of Noah - to the research path in the Caucasus.

See all 18 reports by Igor Kovse

Vardzia. Church cut into the stone.
Georgia e regione Svaneti - (terza parte)
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2014, submitted 29 September 2015
Europe: Georgia
language: it

Noi a Batumi avevamo un messaggio da portare. Fummo investiti della funzione di ambasciatori di pace dal Comune di Verona per incontrare la Municipalità di Batumi e per suggellare un patto di amicizia iniziato tra le due città nel 2015. Fu l'occasione per sperimentare quella che si ritiene la più viva e particolare tradizione il del popolo georgiano: il pranzo. Le sue regole, l'abbondanza e la bontà dei cibi, i brindisi e la figura del Tamada permettono di leggere una, tra le più belle pagine, della tradizione di questo Paese.

We in Batumi had a message to bring. We Were invested in the function of peace ambassadors by the city of Verona to meet the City of Batumi and to seal a pact of friendship between the two cities began in 2015. It was an opportunity to experience what we consider the most vivid and especially the tradition the Georgian people: lunch. Its rules, abundance and goodness of the food, the toasts and the figure of Tamada allow you to read one, the most beautiful pages of the history of this country. Read more

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Georgia e regione Svaneti-seconda parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2014, submitted 19 September 2015
Europe: Georgia
language: it

Ma lo Svaneti, il vero "free Svaneti", inizia da Mestia. In questi luoghi arrivò con le proprie spedizioni Vittorio Sella, nipote del politico Quintino Sella che fondò il Club Alpino Italiano. Fotografò paesaggi, abitanti e loro usi. Le sue immagini sono ora oggetto di un pregevole volume del TCI e CAI che ne traccia la figura di fotografo alpinista esploratore. Una descrizione in quel volume della regione chiamata Soanezia, sembra scritta nei giorni in cui ci trovavamo dinnanzi agli stessi luoghi: "Non vidi mai natura alpestre così bella, così serena, grandiosa, pittoresca per forma e colorito. Temperatura deliziosa, calma adorabile, l'Usbha sublime fra cumuli leggeri. La Soanezia nelle belle giornate di ottobre è un vero Paradiso".

But Svaneti, the true "Free Svaneti", starts from Mestia. In these places he came with their shipments Vittorio Sella, nephew of the politician Quintino Sella who founded the Italian Alpine Club. He photographed landscapes, people and their customs. His images are now the subject of a remarkable volume of TCI and CAI that traces the figure of photographer mountaineer explorer. A description in the volume of the region called Soanezia, seems written in the days when we were in front of the same places: "I never saw alpine nature so beautiful, so serene, majestic, picturesque shape and color. Temperature delicious, adorable calm, the Usbha sublime among heaps light. The Soanezia on fine days of October is a true paradise. Read the book "Georgfia e

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Villaggio Usghuli nella regione Svaneti
Georgia e regione Svaneti-prima parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2014, submitted 15 September 2015 : Georgia
language: it

Quando viaggiare non è solo spostarsi da un luogo all'altro per ritemprare il fisico, ma un incontro con culture e storie differenti, il viaggio può dimostrarsi l'occasione per raccontare.

L'esigenza di scrivere nasce dalla consapevolezza di aver vissuto momenti unici e dal desiderio di condividerli. Per me è successo anche in questo viaggio e, dopo aver scritto il libro che rivela tutti i particolari, propongo al lettore una sintesi dell'itinerario, sicuro che apprezzandolo andrà a gustarsi anche la lettura più completa del libro "Georgia e svaneti,gamarjoba". Periodo di effettuazione del viaggio: prime tre settimane di giugno 2014.

Route in stages in Georgia first part. When travel is not only move from place to place to rejuvenate your body, but an encounter with different cultures and histories, the journey may prove an opportunity to tell.

The need to write comes from the awareness of having lived unique moments and a desire to share them. For me it happened on this trip and, after writing the book that reveals all the details, I propose to the reader a summary of the route, sure appreciating will also enjoy reading most complete book "Georgia e svaneti,gamarjoba". Period for the trip: the first three weeks of June 2014.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

cicloturismo in Armenia - terza parte da Yeghegnadzor a Yerevan e poi Tibilisi (Georgia)
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2013, submitted 20 April 2014
Europe: Armenia, Georgia
language: it

Racconto di viaggio in bicicletta in Armenia. Parte finale. Pewrcorso e incontri tra gli altopiani. Visione del monte Ararat e del monastero di Khor Virap.

Tale of cycling trip in Armenia. The end. Trip and meetings between the highlands. View of Mount Ararat and Monastery Khor Virap.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Cicloturismo in Armenia, prima parte
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2013, submitted 19 February 2014
Europe, Asia: Armenia, Georgia
language: it

Viaggio in bicicletta da Tbilisi a Yerevan lungo la Via della Seta, tratto antico dell'Armenia. Il racconto descrive percorso, incontri, paesaggi. Numerose le fotografie e i consigli sulla strada. Buona strada a tutti.

Bike trip from Tbilisi to Yerevan along the Silk Road, the ancient tract of Armenia. The story describes the journey, encounters, landscapes. Numerous photographs and councils on the road. Enjoy a good trip.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Tasting Travels - Tasting the Cultures of the world by bike
by Annika & Roberto, tour started November 2011, submitted 1 December 2013
language: en, de, es

Blog entries and Articles about people, places and cultures.

Bicycle Travel as a Model to Cultivate Empathy.

We are currently travelling by bicycle and promoting this idea along the way. We would like to share the wonders of bike travel with the world and help other people to plan their own. We do this by writing about our experiences in our blog, posting articles about people, places and their culture in our website and giving live presentations in schools. We are moved by the strong believe that bike travel is an excellent way to cultivate empathy in our world, not only towards human beings but to other living species. We hope you have fun browsing through our site and we will be happy to hear from you. We look forward to receiving your questions and reading your comments. We are at your service.

Roberto and Annika cycling through Iran in August 2012
cicloturismo in Armenia
by Fernando Da Re, tour started June 2013, submitted 27 June 2013
Asia: Armenia, Georgia
language: it

"Il mio cuore è pieno di amore per te, Armenia".(Gevorg Emin)

Prime impressioni e foto di un viaggio tutto da scrivere.

"My heart is full of love for you, Armenia". (Gevorg Emin)

First impressions and photos of a trip to be written.

See all 50 reports by Fernando Da Re

Video: Cycling Georgia
by Blanche, tour started July 2011, submitted 17 November 2011
Europe: Georgia
language: en, nl

Sakarthvelo is another name for Georgia. In july 2011 we cycled one full calender month through the Caucasus in Georgia. We really loved it, specially the people. We definitely return one day!

See all 14 reports by Blanche

Fahrradweltreise ''Reise zum Horizont''
by Nicole Franke and Tobias Pieper, tour started March 2009, submitted 22 February 2011
language: de, en, es

Die Reise zum Horizont war ein Traum, eine verrueckte Idee. Heute ist sie Wirklichkeit, eine bewusste Entscheidung, eine Weltreise mit dem Fahrrad. Am 15. Maerz 2009 in Oldenburg (Deutschland) gestartet, ist das Ziel die ''weite'' Welt. Mit dem Anspruch, den Weg weitgehend mit dem Fahrrad zurueckzulegen, ist es ein Erfahren fremder Laender und Kulturen, auch bzw. besonders jenseits klassischer Touristenziele.

Logo - Reise zum Horizont
Originally round-the-world but now much more interesting
by Tom Allen, tour started June 2007, submitted 22 January 2010

This is my travel blog of several years on the road. It started life as a round-the-world trip, but before long I realised that A-to-B cycling isn't as interesting as getting off the beaten track and really exploring a place. So since I left home I've had as much time off the bike as on it, earnt more than I've spent, learnt a new language, met an amazing girl and got married to her! Eager to travel by bike as a couple, we're currently seeing where this new dimension takes us.

I prefer to write about the way the trip affects me psychologically and about the cultural, political and historical curiousities I encounter. It's an uncomfortably personal story at times, but I think it's more interesting than reading pages of distance measurements, road conditions and visa hassles.

My creative outlet comes through photography and video which I also share on the site - I carry 6kg of camera equipment and don't regret it for a second!

Sleeping under the Saharan stars
de carabanchel a pekin en bicicleta
by david barrionuevo, tour started June 2008, submitted 12 March 2008
language: es

Un viaje en bicicleta siguiendo los paises que rodean el mar mediterraneo, hasta turquia, y paso de georgia y azerbayan saltando el mar caspio a kajhastan y desde alli hasta los juegos olimpicos de pekin 08, atravesando uzbekistan, kyrsjystan y china desde el oeste hacia el este, un viaje de 6 meses de duracion que acaba de comenzar y se puede seguir en la pagina web un viaje en solitario recorriendo la antigua ruta de la seda y como fin unos juegos olimpicos, que viento nos empuje en nuestras pedaladas!

London to Beijing by bicycle
by Dave Wilson, tour started January 2006, submitted 23 January 2007

A travelogue from an 8 month, 16,000km bike tour from London to Beijing via the ancient silk roads.