This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.
Contents: Tours (55) Trails (2) Sites (2) Cycling info pages (8) Organizations and clubs (1)
This page lists all reports that for Croatia including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Croatia.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
, submitted 10 June 2024 Europe, America, Africa, Asia: USA, Canada, Suriname, FrenchGuiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, England, Holland, Italy, Portugal, UK, Ireland, Luxembourg, CzechRepublic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Senegal, Mauritania, Senegal, Somalia, Mali, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, SouthAfrica, Egypt, Madagascar, Lebanon, UnitedArabEmirates, Turkey, Israel, Taiwan, Philippines, China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand
George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991. He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here. He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015. |
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tour started June 2008, submitted 13 December 2013 I always dreamed of bicycling through Europe and climbing as many of the famous climbs of the Tour de France and Giro Italia as possible. My tour ended up being for almost 10 weeks, 3020 miles/4860 kilometers, and I pedaled through 10 countries. I loved the entire tour but 2 aspects stand out: 1)France stands out for my favorite cycling, for the amazing secondary road system and because I got to climb, the Tourmalet, Aubisque, Peyresourde, Aspin, Mont Ventoux, Alpe D'Huez, Lauteret; and 2) I visited the home villages of three of my grandparents in Slovenia and Croatia. Crossing Italy I opted for the Italian Riviera and Tuscany, but later wished I had pedaled across the Lakes Region and the Dolomites. And because of factors out of my control I had to cut my trip short so I skipped my plans of zig zagging across Switzerland. Enjoy my journal and the pictures. |
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Tasting Travels - Tasting the Cultures of the world by bike
tour started November 2011, submitted 1 December 2013 Europe, Asia, Australia: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, NewZealand
language: en, de, es
Blog entries and Articles about people, places and cultures. Bicycle Travel as a Model to Cultivate Empathy. We are currently travelling by bicycle and promoting this idea along the way. We would like to share the wonders of bike travel with the world and help other people to plan their own. We do this by writing about our experiences in our blog, posting articles about people, places and their culture in our website and giving live presentations in schools. We are moved by the strong believe that bike travel is an excellent way to cultivate empathy in our world, not only towards human beings but to other living species. We hope you have fun browsing through our site and we will be happy to hear from you. We look forward to receiving your questions and reading your comments. We are at your service. |
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Jeffs Bike Tour: Mediterranean Zig Zag
tour started April 2013, submitted 14 October 2013 I´m biking all the Mediterranean countries over a period of nine months. I spend about one month in each country. I have used the train or bus to help move the show down the road. I´m currently in Albania. I´m mostly camping, though hostels and hotels are always great too. |
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tour started August 2012, submitted 6 January 2013 language: it
Terza parte del tour Trieste - Istambul Da Skopje con arrivo a Istambul Third part of the tour Trieste - Istanbul Arriving from Skopje to Istanbul |
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Sarajevo - Skopje
tour started August 2012, submitted 29 December 2012 language: it
Seconda parte del Tour in bicicletta da Trieste a Istambul Si dice che il mondo sia piccolo, figuriamoci Sarajevo: sto per ripartire quando sulla bici trovo un biglietto degli amici cuneesi: tra i molti alberghi della città abbiamo soggiornato nello stesso, senza avere la fortuna di rivederci. Second part of the Bike Tour from Trieste to Istanbul People said that the world is small, let alone Sarajevo: I am starting when on the bike when I find a ticket of my friendsfrom Cuneo: among the many city hotels we have stayed in the same, without having the chance to meet again each other. |
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Trieste - Serajevo
tour started August 2012, submitted 8 December 2012 language: it
Trieste porta dell'est. Oltre questo confine finisce l'occidente e ci si immerge in una mescolanza di culture e religioni che convivono da secoli, non senza problemi, una affianco all'altra. Guerre, invasioni e lotte intestine hanno caratterizzato la storia dei Balcani, territorio la cui bellezza stupisce, così come non lascia indifferenti la disponibilità ed il senso di fratellanza con cui si viene accolti. Percorrere a ritroso le strade attraversate dai turchi cinquecento anni prima, visitare i palazzi della dominazione asburgica a Sarajevo, vedere la recente guerra balcanica negli edifici forati dai proiettili o nelle lapidi tutte vecchie di due decenni. Leggi tutto... |
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tour started June 2001, submitted 17 October 2012 This is a round trip to Slovenia and part of Croatia. It starts from Trieste, in Italy, to go up north in Slovenia, following up the Soca River, and after Bovec to climb the Vrisic Mountain pass of 1611 m. Then all down to Bled and Lubjliana. Then to Novo Mesto and direct to Croatia (Zagreb). Then to Karlovac, with still many signs of the former 90's war, and return to Slovenia, through very quiet secondary roads, sometimes not paved. Postojna with the caves and finally return to Trieste. Steepy trip in the second stage, but the rest not very difficult. Traffic very pacific in Slovenia with many bike paths in Lubjliana. In Croatia traffic is busy and crazy. |
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BIKETRAVEL247 - 1000km in 60 hours on a road bike
tour started June 2012, submitted 17 August 2012 This website is about our latest 1000 km tour through slovenia, croatia and italy. If you want to support, sponsor or donate to help our upcoming 2013 tour from istanbul to odessa - contact us at |
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Cycling adventure from Morocco to Turkey via Europe
tour started March 2012, submitted 28 June 2012 Europe, Africa, Asia: Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey
This is a tour from Morocco to Turkey via Europe stopping through Morocco, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Turkey. As of now we are in Croatia heading South. Enjoy and feel free to contact us or comment. |
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Tasting Travels - tasting the cultures of the world
tour started September 2011, submitted 30 December 2011 language: en, de, es
Tasting Travels is a three-languaged blog about people, places, culture and nature we have had the chance to meet on our travels. We post articles, fotos and videos as articles and you can also follow our personal experiences in the Travel diary. Tasting Travels ist ein dreisprachiger Blog über Menschen, Orte, Kulturen und Natur, die wir während unserer Reise kennen gelernt haben. Wir veröffentlichen Artikel, Fotos und Videos als Artikel und Beiträge über unsere persönlichen Eindrücke im Reisetagebuch. Tasting Travels es un blog trilingüe sobre personas, lugares, cultura y naturaleza que hemos conocido en nuestros viajes. Publicamos artículos, fotos y videos en forma de articulos y mas sobre nuestras experiencias personales en nuestro diario. |
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By tandem-bike around the Mediterranean Sea
tour started February 2011, submitted 27 December 2011 language: es
Estamos realizando el sueño de unir a los pueblos mediterráneos mediante la bicicleta, en concreto montados en un tandem. Salimos de Sevilla en marzo de 2011, a la vez iban floreciendo las revoluciones de La Primavera Árabe y Europa se tambalea. Vivir este momento histórico desde la bicicleta está siendo una experiencia sin igual. Por ahora hemos recorrido la costa norte del Mare Nostrum y continuamos nuestro viaje en sentido horario. Un viaje donde lo principal no son los paisajes sino las personas. |
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tour started October 2010, submitted 20 November 2011 Europe, Africa, Asia: Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Italy, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Austria
language: en, fr, de
Hello, I am Nicolas Richaud and you can follow on my trip around the mediterranean sea. I am 26 year old in 2010: 20 in Nancy, city of Stanislas and Mirabelle; 2 in Bordeaux, city of wine; 4 in Munich, city of bier, I will now try during one year a nomads lifestyle. From Munich to Nancy around the Mare Nostrum I will bike about 15000km following Ulysses‚s footsteps. |
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Photos, films and account of our journey cycling east around the World.
tour started July 2011, submitted 5 November 2011 Europe: UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece
We are Mary Thompson and Peter Root. At 17.00 on the 12th July 2011 we got the boat to France with loads of stuff and two bikes with the intention to cycle east around the World. |
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Mountain Bike Kroatien
tour started 2011, submitted 9 August 2011 Europe: Croatia
language: de
Vor der kroatischen Küste in Dalmatien gibt es hunderte von Inseln mit wunderschönen Trails, perfekt für eine Tour mit dem Bike und Schiff. |
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Cicloturismo Balcani Turchia Siria
tour started August 2010, submitted 22 July 2011 language: it
Est Europe bike tour. From Austria to Syria. 4000 km 44 days |
Cicloturismo Croazia
tour started December 2009, submitted 22 July 2011 Europe: Croatia
language: it
Croatia bike tour in winter. 550 km 6 days from Trieste to Makarska |
tour started 2011, submitted 28 April 2011 Europe, Africa: Germany, Austria, Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Syria, Slovenia, Greece, Tunisia
language: it
Un sito di cicloturismo con informazioni utili, fotografie, racconti, profili altimetrici e tracce gps di viaggi in bicicletta in Europa, nord Africa e Medio oriente. |
A look into our 4 month long 2010 Europe Bike trip
tour started May 2010, submitted 15 April 2011 Hello, Our page is a blog that we kept on our trip. I kept it short and candid. Plus I've also included a map of our route and suggestions of good tour spots for others. Thoughts on the different countries we went through and brief info on our bikes and gear. |
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A Bike Journey - London to Melbourne
tour started May 2010, submitted 3 November 2010 Europe, Asia, Australia: UK, France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia
language: en, de
A Bike Journey follows our bicycle travels between London and Melbourne. Having lived in the UK for 6 years, we are now moving Down Under and have decided to go by bike! We left London in May 2010 and have so far cycled through Europe, Turkey and Iran. We are planning to continue our journey through India, South East Asia and Australia. We hope you enjoy following our tour. |
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Budapest to Corfu 2010 - Over the Balkans
tour started June 2010, submitted 27 October 2010 The Budapest to Corfu route was planned to be as diverse as we could get it. A mixture of terrain, landscape and seascape. Throw a variety of cultures into the mix and an ''off the beaten track'' feel to the trip and the result is a recipe for enjoyment. To get us warmed up a nice, we had a comfortable flat section in Hungary. This was followed up by a gradual climb up the River Drina into the heart of the Balkans. The big climbs started after Bajina Basta in Serbia and continued until Kolasin, a ski resort in Montenegro. A 40 mile drop off the western edge of the Balkans was enjoyed into Podgorica, the Montenegrin capital. A very picturesque section follows, to the south side of Lake Skadarsko. It is a single track road containing big steep climbs along a mountainside with fantastic views over the lake to Albania. The route then follows the Albanian coastline down to Sarande and over to Corfu. The section after Vlore is very quiet, taking in the Logara Pass. Himare is a great stop over being a nice little resort which is unspoilt for now. Sarande is much bigger but still has it's plus points. The spare slack at the end of the tour was put to good use on Corfu. |
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Two New Zealanders heading East across the landmasses of Europe and Asia
tour started March 2010, submitted 5 September 2010 Asia: Europe, England, Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Mongolia, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand
We're Emma and Justin, two New Zealanders who have 'gone cycling' after six years working and living in London. We talked about the possibility of a big trip quietly at first. We were on a train in England somewhere and we sketched a rudimentary map which plotted our way towards Russia. Our cycling trips became more ambitious, and we tested our enthusiasm for the idea by cycling the length of the UK (Lands End to John O'Groats) over three weeks in 2009. After 6 years living away from New Zealand we decided it was time to pack up London lives, quit jobs and go. We have been on the road since March 2010 and intend to reach the edge of Asia by March 2012. Our website documents some of the places we've discovered on our travels. |
Croation Bicycle Tour 2005
tour started August 2005, submitted 13 August 2010 Europe: Croatia
Trying out opportunities in Europe, we decided to visit a friend, who lives in Crikvenica, a small town on the North shore of the Adria in the Velebit channel. The Velebit channel is known for heavy Bora winds. We have been lucky, not experiencing any disturbance by bad weather conditions. As we went down by train, we started the tour at Pivka (SLO), some kilometres before the boarder to Croatia. Rolling roads leaded us to Rijeka and further to Crikvenica. The distance Rijeka - Crikvenica was a nightmare: extreme heavy traffic with careless car drivers! A miracle, we survived... The next days we spent on the Island Krk. Crossing the Tito Most (the bridge over the Velebit channel) opened extreme scenic views to the seaside. The city of Krk had a lot of opportunities to relax. Our way back home leads us back to Rijeka, where we have taken the train back to Austria. |
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Balkanised: A ride (mostly) in the former Yugoslavia
tour started March 2010, submitted 22 June 2010 A ride mostly from Albania to Austria which included too much snow. |
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Crossing Europe via the EuroVelo 6
tour started May 2010, submitted 7 June 2010 After graduating from grad school, I decided it was finally time to do the trip that I had been thinking about for years--crossing europe via the EuroVelo 6. This journal is a light-hearted account of my trip. I try to include as much information as possible for other cyclists wishing to do the same trip, but I also try to make it entertaining. You can be the judge of that. |
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London to Paris
tour started July 2010, submitted 16 April 2010 London to Paris. An adventure in July. Arriving in Paris in time to see the Tour de France. Read my blog of the journey. |
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tour started May 2009, submitted 19 November 2009 Europe, Asia: Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, India, Nepal, Bangladesh
language: de
Meine erste grosse Radtour begann zu Hause und führte mich in Richtung Asien. Ich bin aber nicht der Typ, der für alles einen Plan hat. Ich lasse mich einfach dahintreiben, und finde Unterwegs immer wieder Ideen, wo ich gerade hin könnte. Häufig durch Jemanden, der gerade unterwegs ist, und mir von seinen Erlebnissen oder Plänen erzählt. |
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The Greatest Schlep
tour started June 2009, submitted 26 October 2009 One friend mired in med school, the other about to begin the rest of his life. Both wanted to go on an adventure. Both wanted to bike. Many arguments later, The Greatest Schlep was born. Keep track of us as we schlep from Prague to Athens. |
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London to Athens 4 kids in poverty
tour started July 2009, submitted 4 June 2009 25,000 children die each day mainly from preventable causes. These children are not dying from incurable diseases or causes. These children are dying from diarrhea, pneumonia, measles and malaria - things that cost pennies to treat or prevent. My aim is to raise £25,000 by riding 4,000 kilometres from London to Athens with an average of 25,000 spins of my legs per day. |
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A simple life on a beautiful world... and on a bicycle
tour started September 2004, submitted 1 June 2009 Europe, Asia, Africa, America: Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, SouthAfrica, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
language: en, fr, es, pt
I left home in September 2004. I was supposed to cycle to Tibet in 7-8 months. Until now, I never reached Tibet and I'm still on the road. A cold winter in Turkey make me change my itinery and then my travel's philosophy. I decided that the performance was not that important but the road itself brings me everything. In almost a total of 2 years where I worked as a safari tour guide in Namibia, I had enough money to continue and live the dream further and further. Soon, I will attempt to buy a boat in Amazonia and turn it into a bicyle-boat to cross the Amazonas on its bigest highways: the rivers! This tour is still in process and I will keep it updated on my website. nature, dirt roads, cultures and wildlife lover.. |
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World Biking:share the adventure of cycling around the world
tour started June 2006, submitted 20 May 2009 Africa, Europe, America, Asia: France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, SierraLeone, Mali, Niger, BurkinaFaso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, EquatorialGuinea, Gabon, Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, SouthAfrica, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, USA
World Biking: The web's most comprehensive Africa Cycling Expedition. Eric and Amaya pedalled 55,000 kilometers and traversed 55 countries (37 in Africa) when they cycled from France to Cape Town via West Africa and then back to France via East Africa and the Middle East between 2006 and 2009. The next stage of their expedition beginning in June 2009 will take them across the USA and then through South America all the way to its southernmost tip, Ushuaia. Lots of photos, tales of their adventure plus touring tips, practical information and gear reviews. |
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Dal Danubio alla Dalmazia
tour started August 2007, submitted 1 April 2009 language: it
Dal Danubio alla Dalmazia attraversando Austria, Slovacchia, Ungheria, Bosnia Herzegovina e Croazia. Un viaggio dal cuore dell'Europa all'Adriatico attraverso i Balcani e la loro recente storia. |
Viaggio al centro dei Balcani
tour started August 2005, submitted 1 April 2009 language: it
Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croazia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Slovenia: un itinerario da non interpretarsi come una discesa negli ``abissi balcanici'', una sorta di ``Cuore di tenebra'' alla Conrad, ma un viaggio esplorativo in una regione che merita di essere vista con lenti diverse da quelle massmediatiche. Andateci e non ne rimarrete delusi! |
Travel towards the unknown, meet people, respect the Earth!
tour started June 2008, submitted 13 March 2009 Asia, Europe: Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France
language: en, fr
An ``aventure bicyclétale'', it's a two-wheeled little miracle which combines discoveries around the world, respect of others and protection of the environment. So let's get in the saddle! After 10 years in Asia, I've decided to go home, to Châteaudun in France. I left on Sunday the 29th of June 08 from Bangkok, I'm on my way. |
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Sur la route de la Soie
tour started August 2008, submitted 28 February 2009 Europe, Asia: Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China
language: fr
On my way to China from Switzerland, I left home on August 2008 and plan to arrive in China on September 2009. As biologist I try to meet other collegues and make some birdwatch on some famous bird's important areas. meeting people also take a good part of the trip. |
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Cycling from Germany to Istanbul and back
tour started August 2007, submitted 14 February 2009 Europe: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland
language: de
Cycling from Germany to Istanbul via Austria and the Balkan - and back via Greece, Italy and Switzerland in August and September 2007. Including tour diary in German, statistics, loads of pics and Google Maps. |
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Tandeming 'round the world' 09
tour started December 2008, submitted 29 December 2008 Europe, America, Australia, Asia: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, CostaRica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, NewZealand, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, Germany, CzechRepublic, Croatia, Bosnia, Italy, Spain
We are entering our fourth year on our tandem adventure 'round the world'. We have visited Mexico, Central & South America, New Zeland, Australia, South East Asia, China, and Europe. We are now wintering over on the Costa Del Sol, Spain. Off to Morocco in Feb. 09 then back into Europe for 09. |
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europa tour
tour started April 2008, submitted 10 December 2008 Europe: France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy
language: en, fr est le site de l'association ``Vélo pour nous, vélo pour vous'', qui à pour but de promouvoir la pratique du vélo. Entre autres, il raconte les voyages en vélo de ses adhèrents, et pas seulement... Une grande partie est dédié au voyage de Claudia et Thomas autour d'Europe. Leur but est de faire un inventaire de la culture du vélo en Europe. Des jolis photos et un impressionant carnet de bord vous attend à les découvrir... |
Albania and Montenegro
tour started June 2008, submitted 28 September 2008 In 2008 the Hannover Bike Boys flew to Corfu and set off on a tour through Albania and Montenegro. Both countries are easy to visit challenging to cycle. We had no problem finding accommodation and decent food and beer, the scenery was wonderful but the cycling was hard with several high (1000m) passes. |
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London to Turkey Summer 2008
tour started April 2008, submitted 29 April 2008 This is the exciting journal of my cycling adventures in the wild lands of Europe. Will my knees hold up? Will I simply be too lazy and return after a week? Will I make it to Istanbul in time to host a WILD party? Read on...... |
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