This page was last updated Di 11 Juni 2024.

Contents: Tours (25)    Sites (1)    Cycling info pages (3)   

Egypt (all)

This page lists all reports that for Egypt including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Egypt.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.


Thirty two years of bicycle tours, Cannes film festival, several Tour de France
by George Christensen, submitted 10 June 2024

George Christensen has been cyclotouring for decades, spending a good part of the year wandering around the world on his bicycle. He has biked the length of three continents (North America, South America, Australia) and one sub-continent (India). Included here are reports his travels since 1991.

He’s followed the Tour de France seventeen times beginning in 2004, riding much of each year's route, fully loaded, before or after the peloton and sent out regular reports during the race, also posted here.

He's also an independent film enthusiast, attending or working at several major film festivals annually, including Telluride and Cannes. His coverage of Cannes is also included here in May of 2004-2015.

Cycle touring around the world
by Sam Thomson, tour started February 2013, submitted 24 November 2013

In January 2013 I set on to see the world by bike.

Me in Sudan crossing the sahara and a little dirty.
A bicycle ride across Africa with Tour D'Afrique
by Mike Vermeulen, tour started January 2013, submitted 12 December 2012

Tour D'Afrique is a four month, 12,000km supported bicycle ride from Cairo, Egypt to Capetown, South Africa. This is an account from the 11th time the ride was held, in 2013.

See all 4 reports by Mike Vermeulen

by Nicolas Richaud, tour started October 2010, submitted 20 November 2011
language: en, fr, de

Hello, I am Nicolas Richaud and you can follow on my trip around the mediterranean sea. I am 26 year old in 2010: 20 in Nancy, city of Stanislas and Mirabelle; 2 in Bordeaux, city of wine; 4 in Munich, city of bier, I will now try during one year a nomads lifestyle. From Munich to Nancy around the Mare Nostrum I will bike about 15000km following Ulysses‚s footsteps.

I introduce you Buz, who will follow me during the trip
solo world bike trip
by peter skelly, tour started August 2007, submitted 25 May 2011

A solo,unsupported bicycle trip around the world.

The route is always open to change, the intention is to finish one day.

To explore new cultures, music, food, art, enjoy this wonderful blue planet and learn what I can.

Istanbul to ... Cape Town
by Will and Carrie, tour started February 2010, submitted 7 March 2010

To seek adventure and escape from the mundane we left New Zealand to travel overland from India to Cape Town in August 09. Whilst in Iran we met two crazy Frenchmen cycling from Beijing to Paris. It took little encouragement to be convinced of the benefits of travelling by the most efficient means yet to be invented. The humble bicycle. Whilst we have little experience of bicycles or bicycle touring, we are excited by the possibility of travelling slowly, village to village, rather than the tedious bus rides from city to city.

We will head south from Istanbul, with no timeframe and no destination. (we head home when the money runs out)

Just a crazy desire to be free and experience the wonders of this beautiful world.

Caz in Turkey
Originally round-the-world but now much more interesting
by Tom Allen, tour started June 2007, submitted 22 January 2010

This is my travel blog of several years on the road. It started life as a round-the-world trip, but before long I realised that A-to-B cycling isn't as interesting as getting off the beaten track and really exploring a place. So since I left home I've had as much time off the bike as on it, earnt more than I've spent, learnt a new language, met an amazing girl and got married to her! Eager to travel by bike as a couple, we're currently seeing where this new dimension takes us.

I prefer to write about the way the trip affects me psychologically and about the cultural, political and historical curiousities I encounter. It's an uncomfortably personal story at times, but I think it's more interesting than reading pages of distance measurements, road conditions and visa hassles.

My creative outlet comes through photography and video which I also share on the site - I carry 6kg of camera equipment and don't regret it for a second!

Sleeping under the Saharan stars
A simple life on a beautiful world... and on a bicycle
by Hervé Neukomm, tour started September 2004, submitted 1 June 2009
language: en, fr, es, pt

I left home in September 2004. I was supposed to cycle to Tibet in 7-8 months. Until now, I never reached Tibet and I'm still on the road. A cold winter in Turkey make me change my itinery and then my travel's philosophy. I decided that the performance was not that important but the road itself brings me everything. In almost a total of 2 years where I worked as a safari tour guide in Namibia, I had enough money to continue and live the dream further and further. Soon, I will attempt to buy a boat in Amazonia and turn it into a bicyle-boat to cross the Amazonas on its bigest highways: the rivers! This tour is still in process and I will keep it updated on my website. nature, dirt roads, cultures and wildlife lover..

Around the salar of Coipaisan, in the Bolivian Altiplano
World Biking:share the adventure of cycling around the world
by Amaya Williams and Eric Schambion, tour started June 2006, submitted 20 May 2009

World Biking: The web's most comprehensive Africa Cycling Expedition. Eric and Amaya pedalled 55,000 kilometers and traversed 55 countries (37 in Africa) when they cycled from France to Cape Town via West Africa and then back to France via East Africa and the Middle East between 2006 and 2009. The next stage of their expedition beginning in June 2009 will take them across the USA and then through South America all the way to its southernmost tip, Ushuaia. Lots of photos, tales of their adventure plus touring tips, practical information and gear reviews.

See all 2 reports by Amaya Williams and Eric Schambion

Cycling in Western Sahara.
Bike touring in Asia, South America, Africa and the rest of the world eventually
by Tony Woo, submitted 5 October 2008

I began my first bike tour in Asia. A few years after I went to South America for another tour. My latest tour was a year through Africa. I am back in Canada to make enough money for another tour, hopefully this one will last at least 6 years or more. I will have 3000+ photos when I am finish with my Asia section.

Entrance from the main road to Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas. - Simon and Leah attempt to cycle around the world
by Simon Green & Leah Ingham, tour started 2004, submitted 3 October 2008

Lost in the Seses.
Blackness you could touch. No moon to guide us. No bike lights only Simon's tiny maglite. The road was barely a path, which pinged and cracked as we cycled along it. Simon held the torch in his mouth, and its light wound a curving trail on our ''road.'' Several times we almost crashed into one another. Mumbled curses firing from Simon, unable to release the full volley for fear of dropping his light. Undoubtedly, this was to my advantage and I was able to retaliate with much vitriol, winding him up even more.

Moonrise over the Nile. Abri.
Sophos tour around the world
by Romain POISSON, tour started June 2008, submitted 27 September 2008
language: en, fr

Vagabondages autour du monde d'un apprenti voyageur.

Un ou deux ans de voyage au programme pour découvrir l'Europe du Nord, l'Asie et l'Afrique du Nord différemment.

Prochaine étape : la traversée de la Russie en hiver

Vagrancy around the world by a apprentice traveller.

One or two years to discover in a different way north Europe, Asia and north Africa.

Next step : from St Petersburg to Vladivostok during winter time

Shot in the Lofoten Islands (Norway) while i was waiting for a very small ferry (2 passengers) - I stayed over there for 24 hours :)
First Irish circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle
by Fearghal & Simon, tour started October 2008, submitted 28 August 2008

This November, Simon Evans and Fearghal O'Nuallain will begin the first Irish circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle. Their unsupported expedition will cover over 30,000km, passing through 30 countries and some of the highest, lowest, driest, coldest, warmest and loneliest places on earth. In doing so, they will be promoting the positive contribution that cycling can make to mental health and the environment, raising 100,000 euro for Aware and highlighting climate change.

Bicycle World Tour
by Eric Wehrheim, tour started June 2005, submitted 18 January 2008
language: en, de, sp, ko

This is our second big trip with bicycle. It just started 1998 from Germany over Africa up to Asia with the destination South Korea (2000). Now, again on the road, we are travelling by bicycle in South America. We are since 06/2005 again on the road.

Dies ist nun schon unsere zweite grosse Radtour. Es begann 1998 in Deutschland mit dem Weg nach Suedkorea und einem Abstecher in Afrika. Nun, seit 06/2005, sind wir mit unseren Raedern in Suedamerika unterwegs.

See all 2 reports by Eric Wehrheim

Mun Suk & Eric with her bicycles
Cycling The Road Less Travelled
by Spiros Analytis and Maria Abagis, tour started January 2008, submitted 19 November 2007

Welcome! We are Maria and Spiros, two slightly adventurous souls, who on January 12th, 2008 will begin a year long journey of a lifetime. The first part of our adventure will begin at the foot of the Pyramids in Giza, where we will embark on the 6th edition of the Tour D'Afrique. Starting in Cairo, Egypt and ending in Cape Town, South Africa, the Tour D'Afrique is a 12,000 km, 120 day cycling race/expedition across the exotic and intriguing African continent. More challenges and adventure are sure to follow as we then continue riding our bikes through Europe and Asia.

Our goal is to raise funds and awareness for WaterCan, a charity providing clean water and sanitation to impoverished communities, and Against Malaria which works to donate bed nets to fight Malaria, a devastating disease that kills over a million people a year.

See all 2 reports by Spiros Analytis and Maria Abagis

Round the World and other Tours
by Helen Cooney, tour started 2007, submitted 18 August 2007

Read about my adventures by bicycle around the world,taking in Europe, the Near East, India, South East Asia, Australasia, and the USA on Route 66.

For something a little less ambitious, I have prepared details of a three-week tour of the beautiful landscapes of central Portugal.

Or if you prefer a central base and some day rides, read about my routes on the Spanish island of Mallorca - a cyclist's paradise, with warm weather, flat hinterland, stunning mountain climbs, and huge ice-creams!

the Sinai desert, Egypt
Our trip around the world - we are now in Cambodia
by Benoit Cote et Genevieve Fortin, tour started 2006, submitted 1 November 2006
language: en, fr

We are now in Cambodia, after 10 months of cycling thru New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand. Our site is bilingual.

Our web site is about the trip that we are now realizing. We have gone across the world to go back to Canada. We already crossed 5 different countries in 10 months. We will keep biking for around 2 more years. The subject treated by the web page is mostly about our trip (story, pictures, organisation) but we added a lot of other stuff like recipes, rock climbing, and small articles. We are French-Canadian, so our web site is belingual.

This is the road to get to Siam Reap from Thailand
A bicycle tour from Switzerland to South Africa
by Herve, tour started September 2004, submitted 19 October 2006

I decide to leave Switzerland and cycle until Tibet. The road decide for me and I finally arrive one and an half year later in Cape Town, South Africa. This is a journey dedicated to freedom, people and nature. This tour may continue to South America but I'm still working as a tour guide in Namibia to get money for the next destinations.

Have a look on my cold stage in Turkey, nice time in Syria, amazing Sudanese crossing, wild Tanzanian experience, pure Namibia, etc... I hope you will enjoy and feel free to contact me.

Joris en Stella fietsen van Nederland naar China
tour started August 2005, submitted 20 April 2006
language: nl

Joris en Stella fietsen vanaf augustus 2005 van Nederland richting China. Na een uitstapje door het middenoosten wordt nu de weg naar het oosten voor gezet.

Five continents on the bike 2001-2006
by rolmaatjes, tour started August 2001, submitted 8 October 2005
language: nl

In 2001 vanuit Nederland vertrokken en nu okt 2005 meer dan 65.000 km en al meer dan 40 landen doorgefietst.

Op de achtergrond het beroemde operagebouw in Sydney
Nederland Azie op die fiets
by Jurgen en Saskia, tour started September 2001
language: nl

Ja, hebben jullie het al gezien, we zijn meer dan 4 jaar onderweg. Wat een tijd en toch.... we genieten er nog elke dag van. Nu zijn we in Jujuy, noord Argentinië. Via Chili gaan we binnenkort naar Bolivia, waar we een tijdlang niet zullen kunnen internetten. We zullen op grote hoogte gaan fietsen, hoogtes waar we nog niet eerder waren. Of dat prettig is.. jullie zullen het later lezen.

Jordan and Sinai
by Jan Cramer, tour started March 1998
Africa: Egypt
language: de

Der folgende Tag stand natürlich ganz im Zeichen der Besichtigung der alten Stätte. Nach einem längeren Fußmarsch erreichte man den Siq, jene imposante, enge Schlucht, die den Einstieg in die Stadt darstellt. Bis hier hatte man auch den Schock über die knapp 50 DM Eintrittsgeld verdaut... Den ganzen Tag stiefelten wir zu Zweit durch die Ruinenstadt, bei brüllender Hitze bergauf und bergab. Neben dem 8000 Menschen fassenden Amphitheater beeindruckte uns vor allem die Anlage als Ganzes und der gute Erhaltungszustand der Gebäude. Alles machte einen ungemein plastischen Eindruck, der Sandstein schimmerte in vielfältigen Farben. Irgendwann ließen jedoch die Hitze und die Menschenmassen die Aufnahmefähigkeit sinken, so daß wir uns zur Rückkehr entschlossen.

Der folgende Tag diente der Erholung. Die Hitze begann unerträglich zu werden, selbst auf dieser Höhe herrschten schon weit über 30° C im Schatten, wir ruhten uns also aus und bereiteten und mental auf die Bezwingung des Desert-Highways vor, wovor uns allerdings schon ein wenig graute angesichts der dort herrschenden Geschwindigkeiten und Verkehrsdichte.

See all 5 reports by Jan Cramer

Sinai and Red Sea
A Bicycle Tour in Egypt made by the command of St Petersburg Bicycle Club
by the Traveller's Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia, tour started 1997
Africa: Egypt
language: ru

Hurgada - Sharm-el-Sheikh - wadi Dahab - mt. Sinai - oazis Feiran - Suets - Cairo - Luxor - Quena - Hurgada.

The old riverbeds that cross the mountains of Sinai Peninsula are called ``wadi''. Now the rains are rare, but when they happen these narrow valleys become rivers again. We could see signs of it as the soil was a mixture of sand, stones and thorns, and we had to ride on narrow dry streams of clay that could hold the bicycles. The thorns probably belonged to some poisonous plant as they poisoned our living a lot. One day we had to repair the flat tires at least seven times.

Touring in Egypt
by Thomas Driemeyer, tour started 1995
Africa: Egypt

``First, this was not a bicycle tour. It could probably be done by bicycle but I used trains, boats, and buses. And camels, of course. My excuse to put it here that I rented a bicycle in Luxor and rode through the desert to the Valley of the Kings.'' The previous Trento Bike manager, Andreas Caranti, is particularly sympathetic, as he did the same as a young man: his first off-road experience! (And the new manager is the guy on the camel.)

See all 20 reports by Thomas Driemeyer

Riding a camel at the Cheops pyramid.
Land-bound circumnavigation of the Mediterranean Sea

Welcome to the first "wired" human-powered (bicycle), land-bound circumnavigation of the Mediterranean Sea. The team have concluded their journey, but they are continuing to add reports to this site.


by Dietmar Jaeger
language: de

An enormous collection of bicycle tours all over the world.
Eine enorme Sammlung von Fahrradtouren in der ganzen Welt.

Cycling info pages

Bicycles - World's Most Efficient Means of Transport
by Hostelio, , submitted 2 September 2009

Man on a bicycle can go three or four times faster than the pedestrian, but uses five times less energy in the process. He carries one gram of his weight over a kilometer of flat road at an expense of only 0.15 calories. The bicycle is the perfect transducer to match man's metabolic energy to the impedance of locomotion. Equipped with this tool, man outstrips the efficiency of not only all machines but all other animals as well. [...]

Bicycles are not only thermodynamically efficient, they are also cheap. With his much lower salary, the Chinese acquires his durable bicycle in a fraction of the working hours an American devotes to the purchase of his obsolescent car. The cost of public utilities needed to facilitate bicycle traffic versus the price of an infrastructure tailored to high speeds is proportionately even less than the price differential of the vehicles used in the two systems. In the bicycle system, engineered roads are necessary only at certain points of dense traffic, and people who live far from the surfaced path are not thereby automatically isolated as they would be if they depended on cars or trains. The bicycle has extended man's radius without shunting him onto roads he cannot walk. Where he cannot ride his bike, he can usually push it.

The bicycle also uses little space. Eighteen bikes can be parked in the place of one car, thirty of them can move along in the space devoured by a single automobile. It takes three lanes of a given size to move 40,000 people across a bridge in one hour by using automated trains, four to move them on buses, twelve to move them in their cars, and only two lanes for them to pedal across on bicycles. Of all these vehicles, only the bicycle really allows people to go from door to door without walking. The cyclist can reach new destinations of his choice without his tool creating new locations from which he is barred. [...]

Rec.Travel Library: Egypt
Africa: Egypt
Africa by Bicycle Travel Guide
by The International Bicycle Fund

Myths and misinformation about Africa; shows how safe, serene, and welcoming the continent as a whole has been and will be to travelers and tourists, despite frequent misrepresentations in the news. Contains a comprehensive list of African countries.