This page was last updated Fr 20 September 2024.
Contents: Tours (62) Trails (1) Sites (1) Cycling info pages (8) Organizations and clubs (3)
This page lists all reports that for Denmark including those that involve other countries too.
Click here for a list of reports that involve only Denmark.
All descriptions are in English, unless otherwise noted.
Skagerrak o Kattegat
tour started June 2012, submitted 15 December 2012 Europe: Denmark
language: it
Racconto di viaggio ed emozioni in Danimarca "Skagerrak o Kattegat?...Skagerrak o Kattegat? Sul "ramo" sfoglio le onde, provenienti da mari opposti, che si infrangono una contro l'altra disegnando la fragile lingua di sabbia di Grenen. |
Jutland (DK) - Quarta parte
tour started June 2012, submitted 30 October 2012 Europe: Denmark
language: it
Tutti vi diranno che Ribe, la città più antica della Danimarca, si visita a piedi. In bici è meglio. Con la bicicletta si può percorrere l'anello esterno. Le abitazioni legate una all'altra dai colori pastello sfilano davanti a voi armoniose nella loro linea antica. Everyone will tell you that Ribe, the oldest town of Denmark, be visited on foot. With the bike is better. By bicycle you can take the outer ring. The structures linked to each other pastel colors parade in front of you harmonious in their ancient line ... |
Danimarca in bicicletta, Jutland in libertà - terza parte
tour started June 2012, submitted 26 October 2012 Europe: Denmark
language: it
Percorremmo le ondulazioni del villaggio di Ferring, raggiungemmo la costa scoscesa di Bovbierg. All'ombra del faro un gruppo di pittrici, sguardo all'infinito, tentavano di percorrere "il cammino verso l'opera d'arte nella solitudine". Le loro tele si materializzavano, tocco dopo tocco, ma il lento procedere manifestava l'attesa per un evento coloristico, che il cielo, il sole e il mare avrebbero potuto concedere. Trattenevano i colori impastati sulla tavolozza in attesa di riprodurre armonie percepite al momento solo dall'animo. We walked along the undulations of the village of Ferring, reached the rugged coast of Bovbierg. In the shadow of the lighthouse a group of painters, gaze endlessly, trying to follow "the path to the artwork in solitude." Their webs materialized, touch after touch, but the slow pace manifested waiting for an event of color, the sky, the sun and the sea could have provided. They held the colors mixed on the palette waiting to play harmonies perceived at present only from the soul. |
Tour of Denmark (Jutland). North Sea Route
tour started July 2010, submitted 16 October 2012 Europe: Denmark
Route around the Jutland's peninsula following clockwise route from the North Sea (between 6000 km). We start in he center in Billund, where the Legoland park and airport to go to the southwest, and then in Esbjerg we join the North Sea route to the top of the peninsula, Skagen (which in Denmark is Danish National route becomes n.1). In between we deviate a little to take the National Route 5, Denmark (Limfjord). From Skagen we go down to the middle, Aalborg and we head Aharus where we also have airport to go out. |
Jutland (DK) - seconda parte
tour started June 2012, submitted 11 October 2012 Europe: Denmark
language: it
Giravamo incuriositi lo sguardo dentro il Niels Bugge's Hotel per capire quali pregevoli servizi ci dovesse elargire la storica locanda nella quale eravamo ospiti. L'interno era arredato con gusto da mobili d'epoca. Sulle pareti, occhi vivaci di personaggi, osservavano gli ospiti, da fotografie in bianco e nero entro nere cornici di legno e gesso. Con lo sguardo, di probabili primitivi proprietari, controllavano, ancora compiacendosi, il personale e gli ospiti. Shooting curious gaze into the Niels Bugge's Hotel to see what valuable services we should bestow the historic inn where we were staying. The interior was tastefully decorated with antique furniture. On the walls, bright eyes of characters, watching the guests, from photographs in black and white by black frames of wood and plaster. With the look of probable original owners, controlled, yet welcoming, the staff and guests |
Cicloturismo in Danimarca Jutland in libertà - prima parte
tour started June 2012, submitted 15 September 2012 language: it
Descrizione percorso 800 km. in bicicletta da Goteborg a Lubecca Le case apparivano irreali in quella luce forte e sembravano avvolte in un silenzio che il chiasso e il rumore dei veicoli potevano a stento turbare". Fu solo per pochi istanti che il porto di Skagen ci mostrò le sue luci e le sue ombre, perché il sole si addormentò dietro una grigia coltre di nubi e, in fretta, fresche gocce ci convinsero ad affrettare i nostri passi e spegnere definitivamente le fotocamere golose di tramonti. |
Greedy Euro Bike Tour
tour started 2012, submitted 9 March 2012 Europe: France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
language: en, it
Da lì a là is an Italian expression meaning roughly hither and thither, and this summarize my will, my restless temper of changing place every so often. I'm biking around Europe stopping from time to time when my attention is captured by an outstanding recipe a traditional food or a weird one. Pedalling alone is just fine, but together with other cyclists, especially from the country I'll be riding at the moment is just fantastic: less fatigue, more fun. You can get a look at the Euro-Tour map to get a gist of what'll be the route I'll follow in this year. If you're biking in the some zone, or nearby or you're going to start something similar and you'll like to have a ride together, let me know. Get in touch! Sys |
Loop through D, DK, S & PL (including Elberadweg and part of Oderradweg)
tour started August 2011, submitted 4 September 2011 1,600 Km (1,000 mi) loop with start/finish near Torgau, Germany. Route: Mulde, Elbe, Baltic Coast, Oder and the Havel-Oder Canal. Rainy, windy and lots of punctures. Full GPS tracklog available. |
Denmark Bike Tour 2010
tour started August 2010, submitted 26 April 2011 Europe: Denmark
language: it
Il mio primo viaggio in bicicletta, decido di affidarmi alle bellissime piste ciclabili della Danimarca. Ho deciso di percorrere un ''ring tour'' nelle isole danesi partendo e arrivando nella capitale. |
Around the Pond: 5000km on the North Sea Cycle Route on a Recumbent
tour started June 2008, submitted 11 January 2011 In 2008 I spend 3 months cycling the North Sea Cycle Route on a recumbent bike through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Scotland and the Netherlands. This is a day-by-day travelogue, with zoomable maps. |
To the North Cape
tour started May 2009, submitted 2 December 2009 language: en, nl
There was a moment when an idea popped up in my head: I should go to the North Cape. Or actually, I acquired the strong inner conviction that I had to go to the North Cape. I could hardly think of something else. So in spring of 2009 I left my house in Holland, followed the coasts of North sea, Wadden sea and Norwegian sea until that magical northernmost point. 4625 km through amazing landscapes with extreme variation: from the flat countries where it is sometimes hard to tell where land ends and sea begins, to the fjords where granite rises vertically out of the water. |
Europe en vélo
tour started 2009, submitted 19 November 2009 Europe: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, CzechRepublic, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Belgium
language: fr
J'ai fait le tour de l'Europe à vélo en solo durant l'été 2009. J'ai parcouru 12 000km à travers 11 pays. J'ai vécu une expérience magnifique! Venez lire mon blog! |
Cycling Gypsies: A Bicycle Odyssey with Dogs
tour started July 2008, submitted 14 November 2009 Europe: Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Italy, SanMarino, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia
We don't just have our house on our bikes, we also have our two dogs, Jack and Paco, along for the ride. That's 60kg of furry luggage and another 50-60kg of non-furry luggage between the two of us! Needless to say we don't go fast but we do go everywhere, refusing to let our extra load stop us from tackling hills with grades of up to 18%. We have been on the road with our two dogs since July 2008. So far we have covered 17,000 kms and 18 countries in continental Europe. |
Travel By Bike - Fietsen over Europa's mooiste wegen
, submitted 14 September 2009 Europe: Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK
language: nl
Travel By Bike is a website about a group of enthusiastic bikers with more than 10 years of travel experience. From Belgium through The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom. Do not forget look at to the page 'pregnant on bike', reading our travel stories and watching the beautiful pictures! |
EuroTour 2009: Trento - Praha - Berlin - København
tour started July 2009, submitted 8 April 2009 language: en, it
The EuroTour 2009 is a bicycle tour across Europe. The program is from Trento, at the beginning of Italian Alps, to København. Main stops in Praha and Berlin. Around 2000 km through Italia, Austria, Deutschland and Denmark. Departure is scheduled in July 15th, and in the website's page you can view daily maps and distances (it's only a scheme as a general rule, not mandatory!). If you'd like to join our group, for all the path or for some parts, please write to us for any informations. The email address is in the website of the tour ( |
europa tour
tour started April 2008, submitted 10 December 2008 Europe: France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy
language: en, fr est le site de l'association ``Vélo pour nous, vélo pour vous'', qui à pour but de promouvoir la pratique du vélo. Entre autres, il raconte les voyages en vélo de ses adhèrents, et pas seulement... Une grande partie est dédié au voyage de Claudia et Thomas autour d'Europe. Leur but est de faire un inventaire de la culture du vélo en Europe. Des jolis photos et un impressionant carnet de bord vous attend à les découvrir... |
North-Cape to Zurich
tour started June 2008, submitted 15 October 2008 language: en, de, nl
From June 16 to August 1 2008, I cycled from Alta to the North-Cape, there I started a 7-week trip through Finland Sweden Denmark Germany Netherlands Belgium and France back to Switzerland. |
Sweden: the Ginstleden and Swedish NSCR routes. Norway: Rallarvegen, Sognefjorden area, Vikøyri Voss.
tour started August 2008, submitted 11 October 2008 Day 3 Vilshäred to Kärradal The day started early. Although the campsite itself was quiet, the road next to it had a surprising amount of traffic. Added to this there was someone racing around in the middle of the night on a moped without a silencer. At around seven our neighbours decided to start rooting around their car for something vitally important ('oh my God where is my Thermarest inflatable dialysis machine I need it right now' or something similarly life threatening) and by quarter past, it was clear neither of us was going to get any more sleep. 'Oh well' we thought, 'there is always a shower to look forward to'.....Which in retrospect was another of those things you shouldn't say on cycling holidays. For Vilshäred campsite introduced us to peaceful and neutral Sweden's secret weapon: a variation of Chinese water torture known as 'the one kroner shower'. It was an unforgettable tour of contrasts: from the baking sun in Sweden to the rain and floods in Norway. The gorgeous Swedish coast versus the majesty of the Norwegian fjords and glaciers. The travelogue contains pictures, videos and trip statistics per day plus some things we have learned from this tour. |
Nordkapp-Lignano Sabbiadoro
tour started August 2008, submitted 20 March 2008 language: en, it, de
Hi everybody, we are 8 students of Udine's University and we will across Europe with a bikecycle. We will start on 08 of August from Nordkapp and after 24 days we will arrive in Lignano Sabbiadoro. We will link the north pole with the Adriatic Sea. Our project is with the Sponsorship of our University. We will meet a lot of students about the University that we will find along our tour. So for more information you can ask at info [at] noborderbiking [dot] com and visit our website . |
Cycling in Denmark
tour started 2005, submitted 27 February 2008 Europe: Denmark
A report from a cycling trip in Denmark in September 2005. We cycled from Copenhagen to Esbjerg on the North Sea over 3 weeks, hopping from island to island, following the Baltic Sea Route, and finishing on the North Sea Route. The weather was perfect and the marked bicycle routes we followed quiet and scenic. Denmark is great for cycling - it is mostly flat, has a well marked network of bicycle routes, and the cyclists have priority lanes in towns. Highly recommended for new and old cycle tourers. Our site has a report from our trip, itinerary, best photos, and Top 5 selection of best rides, experiences, food and accommodation. Enjoy and write to us if you have any questions! |
tour started 2008, submitted 6 January 2008 Europe: Denmark
The Danish section of North Sea Cycle Way. Pics and a short travelogue. |
Da Berlino a Copenhagen in bicicletta
tour started August 2007, submitted 20 November 2007 language: it
La bellissima escursione ciclistica si snoda lungo un percorso di 1000 chilometri attraverso Germania, Svezia e Danimarca. Rispetto alla tradizionale ciclabile che si sviluppa longitudinalmente lungo la verticale Berlino-Rostock-Copenhagen, questa variante permette di visitare anche l;affascinante penisola di Zingst, l'isola di Hiddensee, nota ai tedeschi per il suo fantastico patrimonio naturalistico, la penisola di Rugen ed infine la ventosa isoletta danese di Bornholm, paradiso dei ciclisti. Un traghetto per il sud della Svezia porta a raggiungere e conoscere le bellezze del breve tratto scandinavo. L'itinerario, si sviluppa in una ventina di giorni comprendendo anche un soggiorno a Berlino e nella mitica Copenhagen. |
Copenhagen to Freiberg
tour started July 2006, submitted 9 September 2007 In theory this was second stage of a three part trip that was supposed to cover Europe from Nordkapp (the North Cape) to Sicily. The plan being to pick-up from where last year's trip left off in Copenhagen and head south to Freiberg in Germany and then onwards to Venice via the Alps. The bike was damaged on the flight over, leaving me with a limited selection of gears and the tour happened to coincide with a heat wave the like of which no-one could recall. Most of the trip took place in temperatures close to or over 40 degrees celsius (104 fahrenheit)! Things got worse at the half way point (just south of Frankfurt) when the loss of my mobile phone, money and credit cards forced me to abandon the trip a day later at Strasbourg. It was only a total stranger's act of kindness that allowed me to get that far. |
Scandinavia (Nordkapp to Copenhagen)
tour started June 2005, submitted 9 September 2007 The original plan was to cover Scandinavia from Nordkapp to Copenhagen with a long stretch along Sweden's east coast. However, safety concerns resulted in a hastily arranged detour along Finland's west coast. My memory will be mainly of glorious sunshine and, another pleasant surprise, the wind blowing North to South for a good few days when I needed it (as evidenced by the grim determination on the faces of the cyclists heading the other way.) |
Berlin - Copenhagen 2007
tour started August 2007, submitted 4 September 2007 language: it
Bike ride from UK to Poland
tour started April 2006, submitted 14 August 2007 Journey from south UK to northern Poland on a bike and a recumbent trike. We stayed in Poland for a few weeks and then travelled home via Denmark. We left our jobs and sold our house to go on this trip - part of the reason for going was to explore whether we'd like to live in another country. The other reason was to satisfy my craving for long distance touring. |
Cycling the NSCR in Denmark and the Rallarvegen and Numedalsruta in Norway
tour started July 2006, submitted 8 July 2007 Epilogue. ``Why have we come all this way to go cycling in Holland''. Last year we wondered if we should have done the NSCR in Norway last, after doing all the other sections, seeing the spectacular range of countryside and the beauty of it all. This year's trip has sort of confirmed that we might have been right. That is not to say that there is no beauty in the Danish landscape. There is, and in our opinion the loveliest sections of the Danish NSCR were in the Northern part of the Jutland. As for the rest of the route there were gems to be found every now and again, which made it worth doing......... .............However when you compare the Danish section of the NSCR to Norway, say the NSCR, Rallarvegen or Numedalsruta, the Danish NSCR falls short in sheer WOW! factor. The Rallarvegen in particular has fantastic scenery and it a great challenge. It is also amusing to be cycling at an altitude higher than the highest point in the UK. The Numedal, although it changes considerably from the higher reaches down to Larvik, is just gorgeous and treasures such as the stave churches complement the beautiful scenery. |
Sweden to Switzerland...and back!
tour started 2005, submitted 9 April 2007 A one month cycle tour from Lund Sweden, to Switzerland via the Rhine and Moselle Rivers during the summer of 2005. Total distance 1600km together, plus 1000km solo back to Sweden. We left with a road map book of Europe, a guide book of the Rhine, but without a German phrasebook (we speak English and French). Some hiking in the Alps as a side trip. |
Cycling in Fyn and Sjælland
tour started July 1999, submitted 5 July 2006 Europe: Denmark
We had been cycling for over two months when we arrived in the village of Svogerslev near Roskilde to visit friends. We were ready for a break from our daily routine of breaking camp, loading the bikes, riding to the next night's destination and then pitching the tent again. A few days in an attractive old house with views over the gently rolling countryside were just what we needed. We felt refreshed and ready to hit the road again. With its numerous marked cycling routes and relatively gentle terrain, Denmark is an ideal place for a easy cycle holiday and the islands of Fyn and Sjælland are quite delightful. |
Wienerbrød Days - A Danish Cycle Tour
tour started August 1995, submitted 5 July 2006 Europe: Denmark
I stopped a few metres before an intersection and was busy peering at the map when I became aware of a number of cars stopped beside me with their indicators flashing. Six cars were patiently waiting for me to proceed so that they could give way to me at the intersection. I made certain that in future I stopped well away from intersections when I wanted to check my map. Danish motorists are extremely courteous towards cyclists. They do have a legal obligation to give way to cyclists and pedestrians at intersections, but it is much more deeply ingrained than that. It is something that is taught to every Dane from an early age. With its numerous marked cycling routes and relatively gentle terrain, Denmark is an ideal place for a easy cycle holiday. |
Sweden to Switzerland...and back.
tour started June 2005, submitted 3 April 2006 A quick tour of Western Europe including the Rhine and Mosel Rivers. The trip report is in travel log format with pictures. Cycling statistics included for those intersted in cycling in this region. |
Memories from the Road
tour started June 1999, submitted 13 December 2005 In the summer of 1999 I cycled a little over 7000km across Europe, from Nordkapp, at the northern end of Norway, to Calabria, the southernmost region of Italy. It was the best bicycle ride and adventure of my life so far. This is my attempt to share what I saw and felt. |
Five continents on the bike 2001-2006
tour started August 2001, submitted 8 October 2005 Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, America: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nepal, NewZealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, Zambia
language: nl
In 2001 vanuit Nederland vertrokken en nu okt 2005 meer dan 65.000 km en al meer dan 40 landen doorgefietst. |
Sant Quirze del Vallès (Spain) to Kirkenes (Norway)
tour started 2002 Total Kilometers/Miles Cycling: 3849/2392 - Total Kilometers/Miles by Train: 435/270.5 - Total kilometers/Miles by car (rushing to Kirkenes to catch the plane to Chicago: 519/322.5 - Average distance per day 167/104. |
North Sea Cycle Route
tour started 2002 language: de, en
Herausforderungen liegen manchmal vor der Haustür. Obwohl das nicht so ganz stimmt, denn wir leben ja nicht gleich hinter dem Deich. Aber nur gut zwei Bahnstunden davon entfernt. Es handelt sich um die bislang längste ausgeschilderte Radroute der Welt, insgesamt 6000 km lang: die Umrundung der Nordsee. Das ist die erste ``von 12 geplanten transeuropäischen Radfernwegen'' (EuroVelo) (aus bikeline). Die Route ist erst vor gut einem Jahr eröffnet worden, da gehört man ja glatt noch zu den ersten, wenn man diese Herausforderung annimmt. Bevor die Leute dort Schlange stehen. Wenn es denn dazu kommt... Als es los gehen soll, steht keiner Schlange, denn wir haben einen Dauerregen. Wie nachher zu lesen ist, die größte Regenmenge in unserer Gegend seit 1881. Zum Glück verzichte ich auf einen Blick in den Keller, morgens um vier Uhr. Nur mit dem Rad zum Bahnhof zu fahren, das geht nicht, da wäre man ja gleich durch bis auf die Haut? Man kann improvisieren, alles rein ins Auto und dann bin ich weg, mit ein paar geschmierten Broten und einigen Tafeln Schokolade. Der Parkplatz hinter dem Bahnhof ist wegen Überflutung gesperrt. Man kann trotzdem um die Absperrung herum fahren und irgendwo eine Insel suchen, die Packtaschen aufladen und Wasser Marsch zum Bahnhof. Das Auto wird Annika dann später abholen, wenn der Seegang auf dem Parkplatz des Braunschweiger Hauptbahnhofs sich beruhigt hat. |
Nederland Azie op die fiets
tour started September 2001 Europe, Asia, America, Africa: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, CzechRepublic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nepal, NewZealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Vietnam, Zambia
language: nl
Ja, hebben jullie het al gezien, we zijn meer dan 4 jaar onderweg. Wat een tijd en toch.... we genieten er nog elke dag van. Nu zijn we in Jujuy, noord Argentinië. Via Chili gaan we binnenkort naar Bolivia, waar we een tijdlang niet zullen kunnen internetten. We zullen op grote hoogte gaan fietsen, hoogtes waar we nog niet eerder waren. Of dat prettig is.. jullie zullen het later lezen. |
Julien & Titus' Cycling Trip, 12195km in Europe
tour started March 2001 Europe: France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy, Greece
[Titus is the bike] - 12195 km in 8 months through France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy and Greece - includes travelogue and many fine pictures I've travelled quite a bit through the years, hiking on foot, by car, bus, plane... But cycling is just the right speed. Fast enough to actually get someplace, yet slow enough to smell the flowers as you go... Plus, it's the only mode of transportation where the engine actually improves with usage... Anyways, a friend lent me this book about a couple who spent a couple of years cycling around the world and I thought to myself that I wanted to do that ! So, off I went ! Well, I didn't quite make it... After 8 months on the road, I came back... Mostly due to homesickness, but I should have expected that, particularly on a solo trip... Mid-morning after leaving Santillana [in Northern Spain], I take a break after a long cycle uphill and watch the progress of this little fellow... That's exactly how I felt... slow... but steady! |
England - Wales 13 days - 1601 km
tour started 2001 |
Scandinavia 2001: Laidback to Lofoten
tour started 2001 A recumbent trip from the southern border of Denmark to Lofoten. |
The complete diary from the trip through Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland and Liechtenstein
tour started June 2000 language: en, dk
From Ellidshoej (DK) to Vysoke Myto (CZ), 4600km in total, by Holger C. Andersen. In June 2000 the trip is going to the Czech Republic. First of all it is a country I have not visited before and secondly I have got the opportunity to vist a good friend there. His name is Jaroslav Pechacek, and I met him in Oslo on my way home from the my first trip to North Cape. |